
Amira hesitated before sighing. She shook her head and opened the door. "I'm fine. I love you." She said, walking out
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Sage nodded. 'Love you too," he hummed. "Be safe," he added lightly
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Amira drove to work, dreading the day but needing to do something productive or else she'd just end up sleeping all day. She sighed as she was bombarded with jobs and tasks. Yeah, i'm done here. She thought, walking to her boss's office. "Yes?" He snapped at her, obviously displeased she was bothering him. "Just so you know, i'm not coming in tommorrow....or the day after that for a long while." She said, not really sure how to word it. "You telling me you're done here?" He asked, guessing. Amira nodded. The man nodded and waved her away. She sighed and walked out to her car, got in, and drove home. "Sage?" She called. She'd only been gone for about an hour, and was honsetly releaved to have quit. "I'm done there" She muttered
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Sage just getting started in the art room, and was surprised when she came back in early. He dropped his brushes, moving to cross the room quickly and check her over quickly, practically yelping an "are you ok, what happened," before calming down when he simply said she'd quit her job. He pecked her head softly and nodded. "That's ok...I'm making enough to make this work," he noted softly, moving to peck her head one more time before picking the brushes up off the floor and stuff like that.
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Amira nodded, now second guessing it. She didn't want to put pressure onto Sage, but she really wasn't able to stand that job any longer
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Sage really didn't mind...he wanted her to be happy. "I have plenty of money saved up now, and orders have only increased. If you want to get another job that's fine, but I don't want you worrying about it," he noted softly, glancing over at her before moving to lift the brushes to the canvas again. "Hell, we could just start a business from home, the two of us," he added
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Amira sat by the door with a headache. She smiled softly and nodded
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He smiled over at her, glad she agreed to find something she wanted to do. "For now, you look exhausted. Why don't you rest while I get some work done? You can stay in here if you want," he hummed
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Amira nodded, standing. "I'm gonna go to the couch." She said, kissing him before walking to the couch
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He nodded. "Get some rest. Try to take a nap or something," he said softly, kissing her before going back to painting for a while
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