Regan frowned quietly before shaking her head. Well... if that was what he thought. The only reason she felt a little bit concerned for him, was because she cared... normally, it wouldn't bother her weather he was upset or not, but they were friends, and she didn't want him to be upset with her in any way. She cared for him too much. She didn't think there was anything worn with his brain... she knew he founds socialising - especially with her difficult, but that wasn't his fault. She just shrugged at him. He was fine, he was fine, he was fine. She needed to not worry. "What do you mean you wouldn't be here?" She asked with a bit of a chuckle.
Tyler turned the pot over to Regan ... because if he tried to cook anything it looked like a burnt roast that rotted in rain for a couple weeks. The only reason Tyler hadn't starved to death was because he was amazing at cooking meat over an open fire. Other then that, he sucked. At Regan's question he smiled slightly, running a hand through his thick black hair. "Well, not to be offensive, but sometimes staying with you can be a little... hard. Me being crazy fixes that problem, because all I want to do is stay with you... so I try not to offend you, I don't get offended, I do what you say.." Tyler trailed off to study Regan. "Just shows how much I really do want to be here." He finished and put away a couple stray dishes, itching to actually do something
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Regan took the pot quietly and started to sort everything for the boy...s. They all needed to eat something. "It's hard to stay with me?" She knew he didn't mean it in a bad way. Or, she hoped not. Well, he'd just said he wanted to be here, to stay here with her, but why was that hard? Had she done something? Was she doing something? She frowned quietly but nodded to get everything else ready for their dinner. She wasn't expecting him to say anything like that... she was expecting a joke or something. Normally when someone said 'I have to be crazy to still be here' or whatever he said, it normally wasn't followed up by its hard to live with you. But she was glad he'd said so, she supposed. She just didn't know why it was hard. She could fix herself if he told her how, she was sure of it.
-Oh good Lord now she's trying to figure out why it's so hard- Tyler thought with a groan, almost looking wilted. Couldn't that girl just accept he wanted to be here and there was nothing wrong with her? Good night. "It's fine, Regan. I love being here with you, but I am very hungry." Tyler said quietly, trying to divert her attention away from this subject and sooth her at the same time. He walked back out into the main room with a small sigh, glancing at the boy... Jaxon
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Regan just frowned at her. He couldn't say that now. He'd just told her that it was hard to be here, and now he loved it? What was it? She frowned at him a little bit more before slowly nodding. Welp, now she was going to worry the whole evening. Whatever. She sighed quietly to him and watched him walk off before finishing off the dinner for them. Maybe she was too loud? Or talkative. Was she just annoying? She wouldn't ever know. Whatever, she didn't need to worry too much. He was still here, wasn't he? Whatever, if that was the case, she just had to calm down. . Jaxon sat peacefully, his hand still clutching onto the cup he was clutching onto. He saw the other guy. Tyler, was it? Well, he did seem like a bit of a grump. He glanced from him then back to the water. He didn't know what he wanted, he was a bit quiet. Was he going to hurt him? He seems like he would. He couldn't exactly run off right then. Soon, though, the girl waddled back in, trying to balance three plates. He was handed a plate of stew... god, when was the last time he'd had a hot meal? It smelled good, too.
Tyler took his plate to relive Regan of the stack a little, offering a smile in thanks. "I'm sure it will be a great meal." He said, a tone of gratefulness showing in his voice. Tyler sat again on the chair, though he mightnot start eating at that moment... he was still a little tense. His eyes wandered over to Jax, who looked like he was recovering well. Though with what Regan was saying... TYler may be seeing more of Jax. Once he had made sure the boy wasn't a threat, he may just kind of sneak off and take a walk. A very long one.
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(Would you be happy to swap the playing of jax over a little bit? Otherwise I'll be having a conversation with myself lmao. Happy to swap back when they're all back together again lmao) Regan nodded quietly to him with a bit of a smile. She hoped so. She really, really, really hated stew. But, she wasn't exactly sure how healthy this guy was. She didn't want him to choak or anything, or for a lightly cooked steak to be too much for him. He didn't need to be sick right now, as she was sure his head hurt. "I hope so," she sighed quietly to the boy. She was still a bit worried about everything going on. That she was hard to be around. She didn't want him to constantly think that. Still, she shook it off once more before resting in a chair. She looked to Jax with a cocked head. "I take it you're feeling better?" He looked more about himself now, so she was happy enough. . Jax looked more than thankful to have a full meal. He was thin. It was clear he was under weight, much the way Regan had been when she'd first met Tyler. A full meal was so, so appreciated. He couldn't stop his grin once he finished his food. "Yes, much better," he confirmed quietly. He seemed a bit quiet... maybe even nervous. Well he was. He still thought these people were... dim for letting him stay, but he was grateful for it all the same.
(Yep! That's fine, sorry for making you do the thing I tried to avoid XD) - Tyler's brows dropped slightly as he glanced at Jaxon, but when he took a bite of the food he visibly relaxed. If Regan could be his cook for the rest of his life Tyler would probably never die just for that reason. -Golly how does she get stew to taste so good- He thought with a grateful glance. "It is really good." Tyler confirmed, finishing the stew and glancing around again. He was a little... on edge... but he would be for a while. - Jax looked quite pleased with the food. It was much better then what he usually had... nothing. He was a little wary of thes people, but Regan seemed quite nice. If a little... too accepting.
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(No worries! He's a throw away character so I don't mind having him swapped about lol. He's a pretty easy character to play about with lol) Regan seemed a little bit happier when the boy confirmed that he liked it. She honestly hated stew with her whole heart. Maybe she'd just had too much of it... but it would be alright for a little while. If Tyler and their guest liked it... well, she wouldn't mind all too much. "I'm glad," she chirped happily to him. Well... as long as he was happy. She was just glad he wasn't too upset by anything. She looked to Jax curiously, too. He was a bit quiet - well, she supposed that made sense. He'd walked into a trap and been dropped on the floor. He was bound to be a little bit uncomfortable with them. "Do you remember anything that happened?"'she asked curiously. "Like...I don't know, how you managed to find yourself in one of our traps," she hummed with s cocked head.
*walked into a trap and been dropped on the floor* both Tyler's fault haha) - Tyler nodded, glad that Regan seemed to be lightening up a little. She needed to cheer up.. he wasn't holding anything against her. Tyler stood and grabbed the nets before sitting back down, sewing them back together some more and salvaging the metal clips in the rotted nets. - Jax glanced at the two speaking... he was a little put off by the boy. Tyler seemed okay with Regan, like he was trying not to make her mad... but Jax felt a kind of coldness afting off of the boy towards him. He could understand that, though, since he had intruded into their cabin. Or, he had gotten dropped in their cabin while he was unconscious. At the girl's question he turned his head a little, thinking. "I was tracking a deer, I believe, when the trap suddenly sprung around me. I don't know how long I hung there but I think I passed out after a couple hours." Jax mused, trying to remember exactly what happened. The details were a little fuzzy.
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