Max giggled and gave a nod "Alright then." She smiled putting her clothes back on and heading off to cook dinner. When it was finished she had used up the last of the remaining deer meat from Sage's last kill as well as some souls for the two of them all by a candle-lit dinner "Ready to have our first full night of sleep in a while?" She asked when the two of them were eating. You can do the 6 month skip if you want.)
Sage smiled and pecked the girl on the cheek again before pushing himself to his feet and sliding into the shower, after grabbing some clean clothes. He was in and out quick, and was more than happy at the dinner Max had set up. He grinned in response to her question and nodded. "I'll be out like a light," he chuckled. He loved Charlie, but he also liked his sleep. The next few months were rather lazy...nice, but lazy. He kept himself busy hunting though, and playing with Charlie while Max worked. (I was thinking, what if there's something that happens demon wise and Sage gets 'deployed' but gets the notice when Lance is over? Then something happens and Lance sees Sage change forms or in his demon form or something and they have to explain things? It might be fun to have Lance in on the secret lol. lmk!)
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I was kinda thinking something similar but maybe it's Charlie that kinda gives them away? She doesn't have much control over her powers at 7 months old so... lol) The next few months rolled by rather quickly (for Max anyways the demon world seemed to be quiet though Max wasn't holding her breath... not that she had much running after Charlie who could crawl around the house now... when Sage was out or not paying attention she was constantly running after Charlie but she was proud of her daughter... she could tell that Charlie would be a very active curious little girl (who still liked to tug on her dad's earrings). When Max came in from working on her painting outside in the fresh spring air she smiled looking at the two of them on the couch watching the little TV they had in the living room "Whatcha watching?" She asked.
(yeah sounds like a good idea. Might be interesting to have Sage die and come back during it too. Doesn't really matter lol) Sage glanced up at the sounds of Max's voice and smiled at the girl. "I have no idea," he chirped. "They're fuzzy little monsters dancing around," he chuckled. "I'm more or less just here to make sure no one does while she watches the show." He shrugged and laughed again then cocked his head slightly "How goes the painting project," he asked the girl. It was always fun to see what she came up with, and how the paintings turned out. He wasn't very good at it himself, so it was cool to see the process and finished product.
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Oooo I like it! Do you have any suggestions as far as the demon issue they face? If so go ahead and play Roxie if you want in the next post.) Max laughed lightly "Alright then... as long as you're both happy." She chuckled before she smirked and gave him a kiss "It's going really well! I think my client will be very happy." She smiled "If you want you can come see?" She offered happily knowing full well he'd likely want to see she took his wrist and took him and Charlie outside... it was a stunning horse on a very colorful abstract background "Their daughter adores horses so they asked for this for her bedroom... in all her favorite colors too... and a few to hopefully match the room." She smiled looking up at the (mostly pink) purple, blue, teal and white painting that had the sketch of a horse on it some of it blocked in by her painting with her fingers which explained why the tips/half of her fingers were white.
Sage chuckled and shrugged. "it's mildly entertaining," he hummed. He gave the girl a goofy grin when she kissed him and nodded, though she was already towing him towards the backyard. Not that he minded, of course. "Looks good, babe," he chirped. "I'm sure they'll love it." He heard his phone go off, so he pecked the girl on the cheek and left her to her work, since he only had a few numbers on his phone, so it was normally somewhat important. It was just Lance saying he was heading over if that was fine, so he confirmed it and then went to get lunch started since it was almost noon. (I was thinking he could get deployed, and while he's gone something happens with Charlie, but Max plays it off and he doesn't really believe her, then something happens so they end up near the fight and sage gets hurt, dies, and comes back, and they explain after that? Kind of combining everything here lol)
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Ooo yeah that works!) Max smiled proudly "I'm putting the finishing touches on it today and then I'll get it boxed up." She chirped happily."Thank you" She cooed happily before she let him go back inside with Charlie and she continued her painting putting her earbuds (that had long since gotten paint on them...) in and jamming out to her music as she worked humming and partially singing along to it too. Charlie giggled at her dad and as soon as she was put down so he could make lunch she was motoring off to get a toy giggling happily when she finally reached the crinkle bunny she liked to chew on lately munching on that. Max had to feel horrible though... she was teething which meant A no more milk directly from her and B her mouth was sore... they'd bought quite a few things for her to chew on but Max felt bad for her little girl each time a new tooth was coming in.
Sage grinned at max and then turned to go inside, bouncing Charlie along comically as he walked. He chuckled as he watched her run straight for her toy, though of course he wished teething didn't have to hurt his baby girl so much. It was part of life, though, and there wasn't anything he could do about it besides make sure Charlie didn't put anything bad in her mouth as he started making lunch. He could hand her over to Lance once he gpt here, but for now he just had to miltitask.
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When Lance arrived he scooped Charlie into his arms "Hey you! How is my favorite granddaughter?!" He chirped the little girl giggling hysterically as she squirmed "Hey Sage... where is Max?" He asked curiously.
Sage grinned over at Lance when he scooped up Charlie and set his pile of mail down of the table before slipping at a glass of water. "She's in the backyard working on a painting," he informed Lance, starting to shuffle through the mail pile. "She likes doing it and it's a good cash maker so I certainly don't argue," he chuckled. "I'm expanding the house, making her a room for all her art stuff, but its not done so for now she's happy out back," he told the man in an amused voice. Then the oven went off so he scurried back to the kitchen to take out lunch before going back to the mail as the food cooled off some. (Happy new year lol!) Edited at January 1, 2023 10:10 PM by NightClan
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