Kaelix Ryan Winston
Kaelix had woken up in the early morning hours. And was absolutely hating life. His shoulder hurt from sleeping on it weird- and he was jet-lagged. Of course everything he wanted to do wasn't in Montana! But whyyyyy must it be so far. He whined quietly, shoving himself out of bed and looking around for his phone. Kaelix spotted the thin black box on his nightstand and reached for it, he gripped the item between his muscular hands and brought it to his face. He ran his freehand through his hair as he looked at the message on it blearily. Ah. It was just instructions on how to get there, stall number, cabin number, and where to go to meet this 'Ms. Linda. Seems easy enough. He was lucky enough to convince her he had enough experience to train a hotheaded Gelding at the camp. Let alone bring him in. Kaelix closed his eyes, tipping his head back and inhaling deeply. When he released the breath he moved his head straight again and hummed. Alright. Time to start this day off.
He stripped off his sweats, leaving his tatted body bare. He made his way to his suitcase, rifling through it. He pulled out a pair of boxers, throwing them on his bed. He also got a nice pair of dark jeans that fit his physique, a tank top, and a tight turtle neck jacket. He threw them on the hotel bed, laying them with his boxers. He straightened, stretching idly and sauntering to his clothing. Kaelix tugged his boxers closer, stretching the waistband and tugging them on. He pulled his jeans, tank top, and jacket over top of it. There. That covers most of his tattoos. Maybe they won't think he's that weird if they aren't showing. He seriously doubted it though. Kaelix ran another hand through his hair, laying it against his head easily. He reached for his suitcase, zipping it closed and pulling it off the bench. He traveled.. a lot, he realised. Considering he drove to Maine to get a horse. Kaelix smiled slightly, making his way to the bathroom and looking at himself in the mirror. He smiled slightly and laughed quietly, dropping his head and grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste.
After he completed that task, he stepped out of the bathroom, grabbing the hotel keyboard off the TV stand and pulling his suitcase up. He grabbed his backpack off the floor near the bed. Kaelix shoved his phone into his pocket and gripped his suitcase tightly. Well, this was something he never thought he would do. Ever. He dragged his suitcase out of the hotel room, letting the door click shut behind him as he began toward the hotel desk. They put him on the first floor. Which was nice. Meant he could get to Raffle quicker. He approached the desk, flashing a charming smile at the middle-aged man. Who smiled back politely.
"Hello, sir. Checking out?"
He asked. Kaelix nodded, handing the man his keycard. The man looked it over, typing it in on his computer and nodding.
"Alright! You're all set! Have a great rest of your day."
Kaelix nodded,
"You too!"
He called, dragging his suitcase toward his truck. We'll, not his truck. His truck was back in Montana with his Mum and Dad. He made his way to the vehicle. Stopping at the passenger door he let go of his suitcase, digging the rental keys from his pocket. He pulled them out, unlocking the car. Kaelix opened the passenger door, shoving his backpack and suitcase inside. He didn't really care if it was unorganized. It did the job. He turned, walking around to the back of the trailer and unlatching the lock. He swung open the doors and grimaced. No ramp. Meh. Raffle would have to adapt. He could... maybe do that. Kaelix stepped back, gaze traveling toward the stable attached to the hotel. Right. He has to actually go get the cranky paint. He grumbled, walking off toward the barn, he peeked into the small office of the guard/barn manager.
"Here for a horse?"
The man asked. A pause.
"Ah- yes. Sorry. I am. Rallying A Raffle? Or Raffle?"
He said quickly, smiling at the man. The man raised an eyebrow.
He asked in a bored tone. Kaelix had to restrain an eyeroll. He twisted, pulling out his phone and hunching over it, scrolling through his email for the message. He found it, grinning and tapping on it. He showed it to the man, who grunted and nodded.
"Stall 4."
He said, turning a key and opening the gate. Kaelix gave a thumbs up and slipped inside, wandering toward stall 4. Where a very haughty gelding was standing in the corner, butt to the wall. Hey, atleast he wouldn't get kicked. For now. Kaelix was glad he had put Raffle's leg wraps on the morning before. He definitely didn't want the gelding to hurt himself. Since this was one of the first times of traveling for him. Kaelix reached to the right of the stall door, grabbing a scarlet red, rope halter. Just the right color. He pulled it close, lead rope and all, and unlatched the stall door, sliding it open. He stepped inside, keeping eye contact with the gelding. Who pinned his ears back as he approached.
"Hey- hey- it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you. Remember me? From yesterday?"
He talked to the paint. He held out the halter for the gelding to see. And smell.
"See? Just your halter. Nothing dangerous."
The gelding didn't unpin his ears. But didn't spook either. Kaelix moved slightly closer, movements slow and calculated. He held the halter out, slowly moving it to Raffle's face, who's ears perked in sudden interest. He didn't stop his slow movements as he slowly tied the halter into a knot, securing it onto Raffle's face. He didn't seem to totally hate Kaelix. Which was good. Kaelix began moving back to the door slowly, letting the lead rope stretch out. He wrapped a large hand around the stall door, pushing it open more. He clicked gently to Raffle.
He coaxed, speaking softly. Raffle took a hesitant step forward and Kaelix nodded.
"Good boy... Come on. Walk."
He coaxed again, clicking once more. Raffle stepped forward again and Kaelix hummed, beginning to step back to continue leading the gelding. Raffle began walking so Kaelix turned slightly, walking to the side of the spooky gelding. He led him toward the open trailer.
He said, stopping where he was and stilling Raffles lead rope. He held his head high at the command, but slowly lowered it once he realised it was okay. Kaelix smiled gently, tentatively patting the gelding neck. He nodded.
"Alright. We're loading up again. It's okay boy."
He said gently, placing the lead rope over Raffles back and tugging on the connecting part. The paint was going to refuse before seeing the hay bag down at the end. He curiously moved forward, stepping up into the trailer. He moved another step forward and got to the hay, nibbling on it hesitantly. Kaelix smiled. He closed Raffle in, going over to the side and tugging the lead rope off of his back, tying it up and unhooking Raffles halter from it.
"There you go..."
He mumbled. Raffle nibbled on the hay silently. He hopped down, going around to the back of the trailer and pushing the doors closed, closing Raffle and his tack in securely. He made his way to the rental truck, getting in and beginning his drive to the camp.
~At the camp~
Kaelin pulled into the camp, parking I one of the spots next to another trailer and hopping out. He cringed when he saw the amount of kids there. But he also noticed how few colorful horses were here. And most of them seemed pretty docile with kids. Well- this would be good conditioning? He shuddered at the thought. He closed his car door, going around to the trailer and paying inside, Raffle was paring out, ears perked. Kaelin looked around noticing a group of kids beginning to look on. Nope. Nope. He had to do this before there was a huge crowd. Thankfully it was just a few kids. Unthankfully they looked like middle schoolers. Eugh. He untied Raffles lead rope from the inside, hooking it to the geldings halter and doing the best he could to throw it over the paints back. Thankfully the gelding didn't spook or bite him. He pulled an apple treat out of his pocket and gave it to Raffle.
"Good boy."
Hr muttered, voice slightly gravelly from the mumbling under his breath. Kaelin got down from the side of the trailer, going to the back and opening the trailer doors, then unsecuring Raffle inside.
He said softly to the gelding. Who began backing quickly. Kaelin caught the quick paints lead rope, holdingit firmly.
"Hey- hey. Calm. Calm down."
He murmured gently, holding Raffles lead rope tight. The gelding held his head high, ears perked as he looked around. He tried to ignore the giggles of some of the girls.
He said to the girls, voice firm. The girls skittered apart and Kaelix couldn't resist rolling his eyes.
"Don't touch him. He may kick."
He said curtly, leading Raffle toward what he supposed was the main stable. It was the most modern- and the biggest. So he hoped he was right. Thankfully, when he and Raffle stepped inside, they were met with a kind looking woman and a pretty, black haired female. He walked over, keeping the sitters gelding away from them.
He realized- he was taller then them both. Well, so was Raffle. So that made sense-ish.