Do not post unless you are Faith Meadow Or Hermes. my character: (Horse Sheet) Name: Celeste Gender: Mare Age: 6 Personality: Celeste Is Hated By Many Other Horses.She has been wild since the day she was Born.She Lost her Parents in a feild fire.She is an Outgoing but Sassy Horse She hates Being Rode on She tends to kick,buck,and rear alot.When Humans try and capture her She Rears and scares them off. Apperence: Celeste Is a Palmino Freisain with Few Markings Celeste has 3 Socks 2 back Socks and one front socks She has a Irregular Blaze on her Face She has Glistening Green Eyes and Light Tan Hoofs. Other: Celeste Got Lured into the Trailer by Carrots,Apples.(when shes caught)
Name: Annika May Mayotte . Gender: Female . Pronouns: She/her . Sexuality: Straight . Age: 20 . Height: 5.5hh . Weight: 120lb . Race/Ethnicity: Spanish/white . Nationality: Mexican (speaks Spanish sometimes) . Birthplace: Merida,Mexico . Appearance: She is a tan girl by the height of her mom 5,5hh. She has blue eyes, and medium black hair that she has in curls, she wears town clothes usely looks like a city girl and has her phone to be able to text her parents and sister. She has earing and her dad brought her a ring that would remind her of him once he dies. Annika has her own personal stuff that no one can look through or ask her about if someone ask she would get mad at you . Personality: Annika has a lot of things going on she loves animals, having no data or wifi, and being away from friends she is rude but once you get to know her she doesn't sound to bad personality. Annika has a stubborn streak if you try to make her do something you got to take something away from her or just do it yourself. Annika knows how to have fun but being sent to a farm she really want to be there at all times . Family: She currently Living in a apartment with his dad Kiribati Mayotte and use to have her sister but she moved out a year ago .
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(starting) Celeste Walked Towards and odd Box She Looked at Humans she reared the rest of the herd ran off she stayed in one stance as they threw a lasso around her neck she reared and got spooked They led her Into the Trailer Celeste Freaked out she has never been away from the herd She got calmer but Saw a man (Annikas Father) He lead Celeste Out And Brought her too a stall Celeste Reared and Buck trying to bust out But she just lost Energy she Layed down and fell into a deep sleep.(Sorry if its long)
Annika looks out the bedroom window wondering if she would ever have a horse of her own to be able to ride and everything her dad knock on the door to wake her up and Annika sighed as she said " coming dad " she got up and opens then door and her dad said " come I want to show you something " Annika nods and grabs her Rob and follow her dad out to the barn
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Celeste Was not comfortable She Bucked She was not calm she was Nervous she didnt know these surroundings so she Neighed And reared Celeste Looked Like A Rude Horse But she just hasnt had enough Love Before She Was starving as the Barn hand finally lead her into the pasture she begined to graze but she heard footsteps she went closer to the fence.
Annika saw the mare and said " no way " he smiles and said " she your but be careful she is wild " Annika said " oh my thank you dad " as she walks to the fence and watches the mare and said " she is so beautiful " as her dad smiles and watches them
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Celeste Was a Bit Spooked at the female but came closer curiously Was this HER Person? Celeste's Eyes Glistened as She licked Annika's Face.Celeste Was Suspicous about Annikas dad. (Annikas Dad is just ginna use her too Tame Celeste Since Celestes coat is "rare" for a fresian)
Oh okay that sound good ) Annika giggles before she pets the mare and said " what a beauty you are " as she looks at the horse she didn't want to talk her eyes off the horse but instead and went under the fence and wanted to be close to the horse then just petting the face
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Celeste Nuzzled The Girl.She Felt Calmer With This Person Then Ever Before She Saw The Sunset And Wrapper Her ead Around Annika As This Was Celestes Person. ++++(being your fatha for a moment) He Started telling Annika something "We can Tryand tack her up and slowlyand Go into a ride,tommorow of course" ++++ Celeste's Lip Fluttered She didnt want to have a cold lonley night in the Barn her Eyes met with Annikas.
Annika looks at her dad and said " can we try " as she smiles she really would like to ride her no matter what even if she might get bucked off or even worse but the way the mare was acting she didn't think it would be dangerous since she was calm
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