This is a private roleplay between Magic apple acres and Autumn Hollows, if you are not either of us please refrain from posting inside this thread. You're more than welcome to follow along, however!
Hi! I have two questions. Who should their employer be? And will our characters be from the same group, or two different groups forced to work together?
I feel like the employer would be a very rich dragon dude. His name could be Draco Aurelius. I think our characters would be part of different groups, but they were forced to work together. I feel like my character would reside in the dragon kingdom, where she takes on odd jobs all the time.
That works! Maybe Draco heard rumors of a book, and wants to increase his wealth through the gain of such a "legendary" item, thus emplying two groups to ensure success? Got it. Sounds good. Should the groups be on neutral terms with each other? Maybe a little sour knowing they take only a cut of the pay due to the other group? My character can be a bit of a wanderer, but will stick around if the reward is worth it. He's seen many places, and the current promise of payment has peaked his interest and made him stay in the dragon kingdom for a while until he knows the full details
Should we make roleplay forms? We could just go right in if you want
I think we should have the forms