
Welcome, bumble Herd! Do you have a plot in mind or no? My characters description might change based on that haha Edited at January 27, 2022 07:11 AM by NightClan
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Human right? and i don't I'm not the best at coming up with them Edited at January 27, 2022 07:12 AM by Bumble.Herd

Yep. Hmmm maybe mine is kinda wandering the streets looking for food or something and the characters run into eachother and slowly begin to like eachother? I know you said you wanted some romance so we can have them fall in love if you would like. Edited at January 27, 2022 07:16 AM by NightClan
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that sounds good :) i dont like too much drama but a little is fine, and yes i love the romance :) Edited at January 27, 2022 11:16 AM by Bumble.Herd

Ok Coolio. I'll post my characters description in a second
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Name: Sage Gender: Male Age: 17 years Appearance: Messy black hair that falls over his eyes (he uses it to kinda hide behind), golden amber eyes, Very tall (6'5''), very tan skin since he lives out in the streets, lots of scars but the most obvious is one down his left eye, Very slim and light (About 140 pounds since food is a bit scarce), Although he's slim he's still muscular (more refined than bulky), gives off an air of power and/or menace, has a low voice that is quiet and scratchy, he wears tattered and thin clothes which are covered in mud, blood, and who knows what else Personality: Very mistrusting because of his backstory, would generally rather be alone than with humans, he comes across as cold/rude/uncaring, he's very blunt and a bit crude, he's very stubborn and an extremely good fighter, when fighting he just jumps in without thinking, very hot-headed with a bad temper, tries not to get too attached to anyone, but once he forms a relationship he is very loyal and protective, he has no qualms about killing anyone/anything Weaknesses: Hot-headedness (he often gets hurt or in trouble because of it), he's very untrusting so he doesn't like to accept help, he gets flashbacks from his past which affects him greatly in a very negative way Strengths: Hunting, fighting, very skilled in sneaking around, knows the streets and forests nearby well so he's great at hiding, very quick and agile, very strong Other: He lives in the woods and streets and moves from place to place - he has no home other than the wild. His weapon is a small dagger he has with him at all times that he made himself
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Name: Ellie gender: female age: 17 years appearance: Long blonde curly hair that she usually keeps up in a bun or a ponytail with her bangs pinned to the side. Her eyes are a pale green with a slight blue tint. her skin is a very light tan color due to the fact that she spends most of her time inside. She usually wears some sort of nice clothing provided by her employers but loves wearing baggy clothes because they make her comfy. She stands at about 5'4" she has a slim build about average for her age and a bit of an hourglass figure. Personality: She is very kind and caring. calm and collected most of the time but can have a little crack head energy at times. she loves making others happy and making sure they are cared for before herself. she hates seeing people alone or injured and will do anything in her power to make sure they are ok and healthy. she often keeps to herself when in large groups but will become more talkative with smaller groups(mostly 1 on 1). she can be shy at first and quiet and she can't stick up for herself at all. She has a very sensitive soul and even the slightest raised voice at her will cause her to almost break into tears. She works for a very rich family who provides her with nice things as long as she does the dirty work around their house and takes care of the children. She is often physically abused by the man of the house if she doesn't do as asked the first time, and the man's wife doesn't know. weaknesses: sensitive, can't stand up for self, not strong, will flinch and cower at quick movements. strengths: cleaning, cooking, childcare, some medication, and riding horses. other: often sneaks out to a nearby ranch to ride. place: lives with her employers who raised her since she was 13 after she was left in the foster system.

Ok, so is there anything else you want to go over before we start the RP?
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