"I'm a wanderer... I don't have a herd- per say- but I do have some friends, like Figaro over here. He is also a wanderer" Figaro bumped Angelica and snorted "I can speak for myself, thank you" he lifted his head. "She is right though, Your Highness." The yearling flicked his white tail. Angelica rolled her eyes and took a few larger steps to walk ahead of Figaro. He snorted and picked up a slow trot. The two tossed their heads and bumped each other with their wings. Figaro and Angelica looked toward the guard and snorted to keep from laughing. "So we can eat whatever?" Figaro tilted his head and eyed the prince. He pranced as they walked and tossed his head. Angelica rolled her eyes but looked expectantly toward the guard and the prince.
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