"Shes a Handful Huh?" I Smirked. "But Damn, Shes Gorgous" (Sorry for the short ones im doing a college assignment)
(oooh school work fun ) Sky shook his head with a sigh "there's that" he reached over the stall door giving her a pat on the nose before he shook her water bucket watching as she acted terrified before taking a long drink
I Went Out to The Pasture And Brought Flicker Into the Crossties To wash him off i grabbed the hose and washed the Hay and Dirt off of him. "Your so dirty Flicker" I Picked his hoofs and dried him off.
Sky heaved a bale of hay out of the trailer he only brought one because the bales weighed 180 pounds each so they were a bit difficult to haul and move he had already unloaded his tack after putting his bale of hat away he took a life of twine and knotted the ends together before walking to fireflies stall slipping it over her neck and heading to the outdoor where he warmed up before moving into a flat out gallop with his arms crossed he relaxed his hips and the red mare did a perfect sliding stop before he pressed his left leg to her side and started a spin the first time he had spun on the mare he fell off because he got so dizzy now he's perfectly fine he pushed out in a galloped again before doing a flying lead change and slowing to a collected trot he then started to walk her out scrolling on his phone