Sage looked over at the girl when she called over to him, and followed her pointed finger until he saw what she was talking about, swimming up and into the other room to look around. Good...there was sand and stuff here too. He brought some plants and whatnot up, and then sort of just looked around at the fish when she put them in, sliding back down to swim around and explore some more and stuff.
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After putting everything in, she went down to her room and opened the curtains to the tank, making it so that if Sage came down, she could see him, and he could see her.
Sage obviously wasn't very happy about being in a tank, but at least he had a bit of privacy and some sand and whatnot. And it was a nice big tank...he just helped it held up. It was cold and salty, which would hopefully keep him healthy enough to escape at some point. Of course, he didn't exactly have a home in the ocean either. Whatever. He sort of just finished setting things up then went up to his top aread and lay down on a pile of sand, which was his bed he'd made, with a sigh. He was still very nervous, and he didn't feel so great. He didn't expect to fall asleep, but that was exactly what happened.
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After 30 minutes of texting friends while laying on her king red king-sized bed petting Duke, she got a text from her friends who were coming to pick Lydia up for a shopping spree. Today the new mall section was opening and Lydia got a V.I.P pass for herself and two for her friends. This new section was said to have everything and more! Lydia then wrote a note on the sticky side of a sticky note saying that she was going out and would be back later. She then closed the red curtains giving Sage full privacy.
Sage sort of poked his head out from his area when he heard the girl's phone ding. He was really just curious about the noise ....though when she wrote him the note and closed the curtains, he slid out to explore some more and stretch his tail a little bit. It would feel off to exercise while she could see him...but she was gone now. He didn't really need the curtain closed, but he supposed he didn't care either way too much. He did wonder when she'd be back though...he was suddenly lonely and almost claustrophobic with the curtain and walls surrounding him.
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After about an hour and 15 bags of items later, she came back, opening the curtains to the fish tank. Duke came running into the room even before she had entered her room, it was so adorable how excited he was! Once the curtains were opened, she went straight to opening the shopping bags. The first bag consisted of clothes, sweaters, cute tees, jeans, leggings, bras, and more.
Sage had taken to pretty much just swimming in circles while he was alone. Fast circles. And he was admittedly pretty tired by the time she'd come back. It was odd...she was his owner...he was like a pet to her. If that. He may just be a pretty fish in her tank, really. And yet he was already anxious when she left him alone and closed that curtain, for whatever reason. Mer people were social...maybe it was that. He didn't really like her, but she treated him ok. At least she gave him water and he wasn't tied up. Or being made into dog food. There was that little bit too. But even so, he was bored. He contented hismelf by settling down on the sand at the tank bottom, curling his tail around himself, and watching her unpack.
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When Sage came down, Duke gave a small bark, alerting Lydia that a person ocean smelling thing was there. Lydia looked up when Duke barked, pulled out a new chew toy for Duke and smiled at Sage. "Hey Sage. I almost got you an extra large castle, but I wasn't sure if you wanted that or the crystal cave rock formation!"
Sage threw a slightly annoyed glance at the dog, though he had to admit the creature wasn't as bad as he'd originally thought. He cocked his head slightly when Lydia spoke up and then shrugged. "A cave is probably more accurate as to what I'd love in," he admitted. "But it doesn't really matter." He didn't want to sound too picky.
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