Tyler winced as Nikki spoke, thinking back to the hours he had spent chopping wood. That was a rather big workout, strike one, and it used a lot of chest muscles, strike two. "Er... is cutting up wood considered bad for stitches? I might have done just... a little ... of that." he answered, his brain rather bleak. Tyler really didn't want to cause Nikki more work, but that's exactly what he did. No wonder he didn't have any friends. -Well, that and because I'm a werewolf but the latter didn't seem to stop Nikki- He thought, getting distracted by a small rabbit trail in his mind before fousing back on her.
She let's out a small groan as Tyler explains what he had been doing. "Yes that will mess with them," she says as her hand rubs against her forehead some, "have you looked at them since you cut wood? Did they look different than they did last night?" Niki was getting worried now on whether or not Tyler's stitches were fine or not. If they weren't then she would have to take him back to her apartment and get him fixed up before her shift started. If he said that they were fine.. Well, Niki wasn't sure by that answer anymore by how he was acting.