(Nope, my oldest one almost xD) "Oh that's great!" Luca smiled, and her face lit up. "Do you want me to show you round the ship?" She asked. Luca walked/shimmied her way through the crew to the gangway, where she stood, waiting for Sadie. "Well?" She said expectantly.
Sorry, haven'd had the will to reply XD Been studying (not had enough). Sadie flicked her eyes to the faces around her once more. She nodded to the captain once before following Luca. "I'd love to see your ship. I've been on some musem ships before, and have seen some smaller sized displays, but I've never actually been on a ship before. Not even a cruise." She said, shaking her head. "I'd really like to go on a cruise..." She looked up the gangway to their most immediate destination and cringed. "I get really airsick, so I'll probably get really seasick too..."
no worries, I'm kinda swamped too XD ~ "You'll get used to it." Luca said cheerfully. Walking up the gangway with a spring in her step, she shouted "Come on!" Over her shoulder. Once the two of them were on deck, luca rushed towards the aft of the ship, and sat down, almost off the ship, on the figurine's head.
Ooo I love the new art!) Sadie blinked. "You have a figurine on the aft...?" She cocked her head questioningly. "Don't pirates normally have that thing on the bow?" She carefully climed the gangplank and took a few wobbly steps on board. She crouched, unsure of herself. "This is... a lot..."
Thanks :D) "We have one on both." Luca said, remembering the funny moment. "An apprentice of the boat builder accidentally put it on the wrong side." Luca chuckled, looking around. "So, now we have to figurines!" Luca got back up, and walked towards the big wheel. "This is where I steer the ship. It has the best view!"
OK I love this new avi <3 )) A laugh bubbled up in Sadie's throat, and she grinned. "So what's the figurehead in front then?" She asked. She stood next to Luca and looked out beyond the ship, taking stock of the new environment around her. She grabbed her camera and turned it on, taking a few pictures of the sea and stars, and then the town. Then she turned the camera aronud on Luca and snapped a pic of her. But when she went to look at the picture that came up on the little screan, Luca's face was obscured, like it had been blurred out. She lifted the camera and tried again, but got the same result. "That's weird..."