
Stormsong Manor said: Cryptozoology Famous art pieces Historical rulers/leaders Cooking, herbs and spices, dishes from around the world Disney/animated movies 90s music Famous landmarks Famous literature (Shakespeare, Harry Potter, etc) Country flags Country capitals Biology Human/animal anatomy Classic movies Appropriate for the current era: Pandemics/plagues US Presidents Memes, vines, tiktoks



Lord Of The Rings Trilology (Books or Movies) Hobbit (Book or Movies)
I would suggest questions about rules, like 'Why does art need to be creditted?' or 'What should you NOT do in chat?'
Fairview Fields said: Stormsong Manor said: Cryptozoology Famous art pieces Historical rulers/leaders Cooking, herbs and spices, dishes from around the world Disney/animated movies 90s music Famous landmarks Famous literature (Shakespeare, Harry Potter, etc) Country flags Country capitals Biology Human/animal anatomy Classic movies Appropriate for the current era: Pandemics/plagues US Presidents Memes, vines, tiktoks
Definitely ^

Rumble Team |
Spelling Bee (most ya'll fail this one...lol) common misspelled words
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Sporting Chance Farm said: Spelling Bee (most ya'll fail this one...lol) common misspelled words

Jellos Warmbloods said: Dumb random laws and origination XD
Please do this for evening trivia xD I would cry tears of joy If familiar with the game Balderdash, you could format it like "In the state of California, it is illegal to swear while ___." (For the record, in the state of California, it is illegal to swear while surfing)