
Breeding update's out, and in record time! Currently, I will only accept breeding requests during the open breeding window. Details are on the third post, with genetics on a separate thread! . Current open breeding window: Friday 8pm to Sunday 8pm. Edited at March 30, 2025 09:57 PM by Bignus Bognus
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Thread's getting long, so here's a quick table of contents to access your collections more easily: . Page 1: Mine (publicly available for breeding) Page 2: Swirly, Noct Page 3: Pera
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Adopts were made using a F2U base by Thaiede on deviantart! Legend has it, there is a small island not so far off the shores of HEE that is home to a rather unique species of dragon. If you turn your ear to the island on the horizon, you might just hear roars, wingbeats, and... wait... purrs? . I, the great adventurer Bingus, have taken it upon myself to venture out to this island and investigate this legend for myself! There truly are dragons on this island, but they are not the fierce dragons of lore. With a small stature comparable to a large dog, they weigh in at around 100-150lbs and boast soft scales with an almost velvety texture. They are adept hunters, feeding on small rodents, birds and insects. These little dragons are quite curious towards humans and seem to enjoy belly scritches, flopping over with a loud rumbling purr. Once tamed, they would do well as companions for the stables of HEE. Every now and again, I will travel to the Velvet Island and return with a few dragons to adopt! Once adopted, you may do whatever you like with them aside from removing credits or reselling them (on or offsite, real currency or in-game). They do not necessarily need to be kept as Velvet Island Dragons and can be used as OCs, mascots or whatever you want. . Each captured dragon will arrive with basic socialization/training and a nickname. You may keep or change this name. You may change their gender if you like, or choose to not assign them one at all. . If you choose to keep a collection of Velvet Island Dragons, please make a post with them on this thread to keep them all organized! I'm not able to keep track of them for breeding purposes otherwise :) Examples (NFS) Edited at March 28, 2025 07:03 PM by Bignus Bognus
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Important: To adopt a dragon, please indicate who you would like to adopt and send ebs to the following stable: Bignus Bognus (#367362) I will PM you with a link to access the art file asap. Prices are very arbitrary lol, but they'll be pretty cheap in general. So far between 5-10k. "Miko" - Male 5k Edited at March 30, 2025 09:55 PM by Bignus Bognus
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I have been hard at work researching the reproductive biology and genetics of the Velvet Island Dragons, and am proud to announce that they may now be bred to each other! I have created a short handbook for those interested in the details of it all. It also includes the genetic reports of the VIDs available for public breeding below :) . When a dragon is bred for the first time, their genetic report will be added to the VID Breeder's Handbook. After this, they will be considered as "registered," and their name and gender cannot be changed. Dragons may not be bred to full siblings or immediate parents, but there are no other limits on inbreeding. . ***If you would like your dragon to be registered to the handbook (aka get a genetic report) before breeding them for the first time, you may request to do so at the cost of 2k ebs. . Breeding costs 8k as a base. You may use up to two items per breeding. VIDs may be bred once per week and will give one offspring per breeding. You may breed your own VIDs together or use one available for public breeding below. After planning out your match, please submit a breeding request form during the open breeding window: . Breeding request form: Breeder's name: Male: Female: Item(s): (please specify how you wish to use them) . Breeding items: Some of these require genetic reports to make sense! If both dragons in your pairing don't have one yet, I would recommend only using the shiny rock. . Shiny scale - 3k - Guarantees the type of the offspring. Please specify which parent's type you would like to be passed on. . Sparkling scale - 3k - Guarantees that one allele will be passed on from one parent to the offspring. Please specify which parent and which allele. This only works on heterozygotes. . Dull scale - 2k - Guarantees that one allele won't be passed on from one parent to the offspring. Please specify which parent and which allele. This only works on heterozygotes. . Painted scale - 3k - Guarantees that one colour will be passed along to the offspring unchanged. This can be either the base coat or a Col gene. Please specify which colour. . Publicly Available for Breeding "Kio" - Male Bred this week: No | "Sachi" - Female Bred this week: Yes | "Mill" - Male Bred this week: No | "Dandy" - Female Bred this week: Yes | "Lyla" - Female Bred this week: Yes | "Qui" - Male Bred this week: Yes | "Tune" - Male Bred this week: Yes | | Edited at March 30, 2025 09:56 PM by Bignus Bognus
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Idk if I'm able to adopt two at once, but could I get both Cora and Poppy? :D

Nocturnal Creatures said: Idk if I'm able to adopt two at once, but could I get both Cora and Poppy? :D
For sure!
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Fantasy Horses said: Can I have Crim please?
All yours!
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