So I want to write a script for a Breyer movie but don't have a plot. I'm toying with the idea of a magic theme, but not really sure on how that would go. I'm just down for any ideas. Like really, anything. I need it totally done by the end of February. So scripting, casting, filming, voiceovers, and editing. I've never made anything like this but I have a few books under my belt. (And no, I'm not using those plots. They were weak and lots of plot wholes) and also character names would be great. Thanks so much!
-Meg Edited at January 29, 2021 11:50 AM by Kuewi KNN Stable
Hi Meg! I'd be glad to help. I'll give you a couple of names and maybe a plot, and I'll be happy to help with anything else! I just wanna say I've really wanted to do something like this with my models in the summer last year but I never ended up doing it aha. And just a warning, the plot may not be the best but it's 3 A.M. where I live Plot: The princess of {Place Name} goes missing one day, leaving behind only her crown and a note. The king and queen send out tons of search parties but they come back without anything but what they were sent with. The princess, who had run off, established a life out in the wilderness. She stumbled across a few others along the way. Meanwhile, the castle keeps scrutinizing, even though both the king and queen affirmed their daughter was gone and they'd never find her. But, when one of the guards comes back with a sighting of the absent princess, the whole kingdom goes berzerk, presuming they may have found the princess who had vanished. The princess is completely unaware and is found by a search party and dragged home. No one ever knew why she fled from {Place Name}, and they were determined to pry it out of the princess. She refused to tell anyone anything and that irritated her parents. They forced her to spill her guts. No one was prepared for what she did next, though... Names: Mare/filly names: Wyvern Aelia Nanasipau'u (Sipau) Euphrosyne (Syne) Liuvigoto (Liu, Liv) Wulfhild (Wulf) Zarmandukht (Zar) Folchiade (Chia) Gaia Artemis Paterna (Erna) Khorasan (Khora) Athena Arsinde Kalaya (Kala) Epona Ethelindus (Helin) Sphinx Persephone Stallion/colt/gelding names: Loki Odin Arabus Romulus Thor Clyarabes Kanutus (Kan) Peirous (Peir) Lynceus Lucifer Ariston Lauri Aistulf (Aist) Ariston (Ari) Chronos Orpheus Jayawarsa (Jay) Atsuhito (Hito) Jotapianus (Jota) Ptolemaeus (Ptole) Sthenelos (Sthen) Menestheus Asen Agustus