
so im really into writing. and i recently had a cool idea. what if i wrote a book about 2 sisters in the war, who think they can see faries? this would all be connected to sir arthur conan doyle, as he believed that you could photograph them. now most images you see of the "cottingley faries" are quite obvoiosly fake. they look to be made of paper. but in this story, the sisters really do see faries. maybe this could be about their life during the war, and trying to prove that the faries exist? i quite enjoy fantasy/fictional/historical things like this.
It sounds really cool. I recon that the twist on the origin makes it quite nice. And the war bit sounds nice too.
Edited at December 28, 2020 04:35 AM by Wild Style PONS

also here are some pictures of the cottingely "faries" i think these are rarther beautiful, though the cousins who took them finally confessed that they where paper cutouts. here is a link to some fantastinc info. https://hermoments.com/s/fairy-photos-maybe?as=799&asv=1&bdk=0 Edited at December 28, 2020 04:38 AM by Olive Tree Equine
That sounds so cool! The fairies are really well drawn too.


the eldest cousin was an artist, she drew them