
What are rhe limits for peculiarities then?What can/cant they do?
Also i had an idea, the group of ymbrynes do not kepp loops for over a month, they must make a new somewhere else

Shall we write the backstory / Desc now?

Alrighty then East London 1951 [Full name] recieves a letter from a fellow Ymbryne "many time loops are being entered and children harmed or worse,killed.i hvae contacted many others [Full name] in Rio, [Full name] in Iowa and [Full name] in Hong Kong. We have to meet somewhere... and jump loops,its to dangerous to stay where We are" Your sincerely~[Full name] And then it was that all 5 Ymbrynes,though a few reluctantly, left thier barely-a-month-old-loops, and met up at a beach,by the name scarborough (this is a real place , i love it there) and brought there children with them.
Maybeeee we should do character desc?
Are you gunna be ymbryne or peculiar?

Is this based of miss perugrins peculiar children the film?