Hello everyone!
On here I'll be posting chapter of a book I'm writing. If you have ideas, comments, or questions please post them here. Thanks! -Reese Farm- Edited at March 16, 2021 11:40 AM by Reese Farm
Sunrise Satble~Chapter 1 Natalie and Audrey Jackson walked slowly up the hill to see their horses. Well they weren't their horses, but they liked to think of them as theirs. They actually belonged to the owner Lisa Jones. She was a young woman who was soon to be a famous equestrian. "I can't wait to see Rosie and Carrie!" said Natalie. Rosie and Carrie Watson were their best friends and also students there. "Hey you two!" "Hi Miss Lisa. How are you? "I'm good. Are you excited for the lesson later?" "Yes we are!" "Good! Better go tack up!" After Natalie's short conversation with Lisa, they went to the barn and stepped inside. The smell of horses and hay filled their noses. Where's Rosie and Carrie? Audrey thought. Edited at March 15, 2021 05:28 PM by Reese Farm
If you notice any errors or want me to change something please let me know in this forum. Thanks!
Sunrise Stable~ Chapter 2 Rosie and Carrie Watson pulled on their booots and grabbed their gloves and hemets. "Let's go girls!" said their Mom. "Just a sec..." said Rosie as she finished pulling on her boot. Once they arrived at the barn they ran up the hill and and found Natalie and Audrey mucking out stalls. "Yes you two are here!!" said Natalie. "Hey! How are you?" said Carrie. "We're good. Miss Lisa said there's going to be a lesson later and should get tacked up. We cleaned your guys stalls so you can just go tack up." said Audrey. "Thanks so much!" Rosie and Carrie said together. "Let's go tack up."

what exactly is this? like a very very short story or a RP thin or what?
Olive Tree Equine said: what exactly is this? like a very very short story or a RP thin or what? It's short chapters of a book I'm writing. Edited at March 16, 2021 05:29 PM by Reese Farm