Special thanks to The Joker for ofering help wirh this huge task :') A plane flight to Berlin.That's all it was.For a stupid collage trip.... god i wish i backed out. Just.. a plane flight! It-it was normal!It should have been just normal But it wasn't It isn't It was weird.It felt like no.. It sounded like something tore,like fabric.Like how when you put jeans on that are too small and the stitching rips.Like that but it growled.It barely sounded earthly...then again it probably wasn't.I ,luckily enough,had a window seat.A big blue and purple flash.Not like fireworks more like.. I don't know..uh..like an aurora? But purple. The plane sort if dove through a ring of brilliant colors ,but it felt instantly like anger.. I guess.This sounds crazy,but I suppose you are me you're talking to yourself,it's your fault if you sound crazy.I feel like the lights were angry ,I don't know how something never living has emotional presence but it felt wrong.Obviously this whole thing felt wrong,this is something next level fabric of space shit, but that was not something I had ever encountered before.It was like another force.This is so difficult to explain! You know when you're on a roller coaster and it loop-de-loops ?That intense feeling that you're floating.It feels abnormal. It felt like that like I was floating. Then it crashed...literally.Probably the most pain i've ever been in.It stung my eyes,the smoke.I couldn't breathe,it built up in my throat and stung. The ringing in my ears,blurred vision,lost balance....it all just confused me more .Then the water,it flooded the plane and I couldn't get out,I had to squeeze through a tiny window,and pull my bag through... who knows I might have ended up in a different country;with nothing to survive.A different country would have been better.It was nothing like that...no,no this wasn't even the same world. I grasped tightly onto debris and tried to get away from to burning wreck.I tried my best not to dangle anything over the edge of the large panel.Some of the other people had done the same and stuck in large group,including my self.I don't really remember much of what happened next.That probably means I passed out you are now laying,unconscious,on a sandy beach.The waves rising up to meet your feet ever now and then.The Crashing tides brought their mellifluous noise,that could calm most people.Their serenity only kept you asleep,and unaware.The strange calls if creatures that brought together sounded rather earthly,like a rainforest.Short,sharp coos and low bellows.Chirps and clicks of small insects.The wind blowing. The sudden wind that woke you up And when you wake,you are the find a book containing the following information And illustrations Edited at March 28, 2020 03:50 AM by Ladybird Estate
Flora (Not all plants are docmented,only those studied) CloudHopper tree Blood maple Long leaf palm Short leaf palm AnglerFish tree Golden oak Titant Essie CloudHopper Bush Black Bone Rose Bush Dainty jasmine Long Spout Climing Darshe Snap flower Star flower Black Bone rose Glowbud Insomniac Orchid Edited at March 24, 2020 03:02 AM by Ladybird Estate
Fauna Leptoliopteryx (lep-toe-lee-op-ter-ix) Meaning slender smooth wing General desc Leptoliopteryx, also know as The Great Night Hawks, are 4 limbed wyvern like creatures.Their imense size often intimidates people , 16ft tall,34ft long and a 64ft wingspan.These creatures arent to be messed around with.Dispite their aggressive and terrotorial nature,Great Night Hawks can become your most fearsome and loyal steed, though only very skilled people have ever achived this. behaviour Leptoliopteryx's are insanely aggressive and terrotorial. Any intruders may be chased for hours before they give up and return to their trees.Should you tame one it will protect you with its life locations found Titan forest,Super forest and jungles diet Carnivorous,large prey,if starving will turn to cannibalism Wip Apatornis (app-a-tore-niss) Meaning deceptive bird General desc Sometimes called Red theives,Apatorni are bright Red bids often with a splotched white head,orange and blue tail and black flight feathers.Their nickname also comes from the fact that they often steal things they know to be valuable,give them the right things and theyll follow you and love you forever behaviour Very maternal and neutral behaviour,oly become aggressive when provoked.Tames have often been know to imprint on their owner and see them as a child OR parent locations found All forest, jungles,plains diet Frugivarous/insectivarous,they eat only fruit and large insects Wip Polyopslyco (po-lee-ops-lie-co) Meaning many eyed wolf General desc behaviour locations found diet Wip Camptobaro (Camp-toe-ba-row) Meaning flexible and heavy General desc behaviour locations found diet Wip Bellubagaicthyo (Bell-ew-bag-a-ick-th-ee-yo) Meaning beautiful little fish General desc This name is very ironic as the Bellubagaicthyo is any BUT little behaviour locations found diet Calamofídi (Ca-lamb-oh-fee-dee) Meaning reed snake General desc behaviour locations found diet Edited at March 28, 2020 04:49 AM by Ladybird Estate
Geography Zoom for quality (C)Donjon Image removed Mod edit: please do not hotlink images Edited at March 28, 2020 07:06 AM by Jericho Stables
You never know i might need more