"We have no other option, it's either we invade the front gates and risk us getting attack from the left, right, front, back, and the sky by a variety of archers, mages, and soldiers or we set fire to the temple and rush out with everyone, maybe losing a few of us along the way." Time seemed to stop, Lyka, or, Tora, held her breath, unsure of what to do as everyone, even her own gaze landed on Emeri, who had yet to make the final decision. Kage, the leader of this operation and the person who had laid out our final two options stood tall, looming a good head taller then all of the other fighters, his hyena Tsuen was pacing back and forth, the dim lighting of a torches glow phased through the transparent blue spirit slightly. What do you think Yuri? Emeri asked in his head, asking consent from the transparent golden doe calmly gazing at everyone next to him. ... Emeri and everyone in the room were silent, everyone's eyes on the dirty brown haired boy. Everyone could see Yuri, but No one could hear her except Emeri, she was his companion, mentor, spirit, the voice in his head much like Kage and Tsuen, he wasn't sure what to do without her sometimes. Finally, he heard her soft bell-like voice echoe in his head. I think setting fire to the temple would be best. Lives will be lost along the way indefinetly, but it's a risk much better then risking it all by crashing the front gate. Besides, what else do we have to lose? We know your emotions will leave soon... As soft as those words sounded, it still hurt him slightly like a punch to the stomach. In due time, Emeri's emotions would leave him unless someone would be able to retrieve his locket somehow. Which was impossible, the small ruby teardrop lost in the lava during his battle against Shoar. The small glint of red before it was engulfed in the lava's hot embrace. "We set fire to the temple then, less lives will be lost." Emeri finally said, his voice strong and loud like two swords metal clashing against each other. Kage nodded, then turned to everyone. "The decision has been made then! Light the torches, we leave now."
A/N: Should I continue this? If yes, then I'd probably give a description to what this is and some backstory on the characters ^^
If no, maybe I'll come back to this later