Hi! so im starting a book called isle of horses, I have a character named luna, so basically there is a legendary horse herd that have magic, if you can tame one you can use magic, luna is feisty and loyal but poor, her parents left her and she is alone. She gets the chance to tame a legendary horse when a mysterious man lets her, Luna and the horse are the main characters we need a name for luna's horse(and humans don't pick the names)dont fill out horse if you make a horse, and for boyfriend of girlfriend find a character since this is my book not a roleplay and once it does get out(if it does) you guys all get mentioned!(by nicknames)and role is a side character, antagonist, protaginist, (unless your a horse) and if you are a horse pick a rider unless they have one Name: role: sex: horse: enemy or friend(or neither ): E/C: S/C H/C: Height: Personality Likes: Dislikes: Crush: Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Rider:(if you have one, or don't care don't fill) breed(or race for rider): age: Edited at November 11, 2021 03:35 PM by Sunset_Sahara

Name: Capricorn Fox role: ? sex: Stallion horse: ? enemy or friend(or neither ): Luna, Pollifix, Jasper E/C: ? S/C: ? H/C: ? Height: 15 Personality: speedy Likes: Apples Dislikes: Suger Crush: Pollifix Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no one Rider: Luna breed(or race for rider): everything age: 4
Annapytt Ranch said: Name: Capricorn Fox role: ? sex: Stallion horse: ? enemy or friend(or neither ): Luna, Pollifix, Jasper E/C: ? S/C: ? H/C: ? Height: 15 Personality: speedy Likes: Apples Dislikes: Suger Crush: Pollifix Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no one Rider: Luna breed(or race for rider): everything age: 4
Name: Blue Moon (goes well with Luna's name) Nickname: Blue Role: Luna's horse Sex: Male Enemy: "Hunters" looking to steal his magic for themselves. Friend(s): His heard and Luna. Height: 15 Personality: Feisty, loyal, wild (maybe a tad full of himself) Likes: Swimming and apples Dislikes: Being held down/trapped/restrained/"not free" Crush: ??? Rider: Luna Breed: Mustang Age: 3 - 4 . Other names: - Salvaje (means wild, fierce, untamed in Spanish (Mustangs are descended from horses brought to the Americas by the Spanish)) - Pyralis (Greek for "of fire") - Apollo (Greek god of the sun and light (also the opposite of Luna's name which means moon)) . Hope this helps <3 Edited at November 17, 2021 12:50 AM by Chaos Stables
thanks! Luna has some friends now XD