I have (I'm asking these animal questions because we have a bird farm... probably about 200 birds of all domestic species) - Never have I ever trained a cat to jump
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I have not Never have I ever rode a horse
Yes - never have I ever taught a baby horse ( under a year) to back up
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I haven't, I've worked with many horse but haven't had the chance to work with anything under 3. - Never have I trained a pony to drive(I've trained my mares to drive)
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I haven't (sadly) I haven the had any ponies lol. All my horses (except my baby) are over 15 hh, and when my baby grows up he will be over 15 hh - never have I ever had a baby gelded
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Never, I only have mares :P never have I ever.. been chased by a lizard
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I have not... I mean a lizard tried to chase me but I looked at it, and it practically ran away. I MIGHT be the tiniest bit scary LOL - Never have I ever seen a tree fall down (for me... onto our DUCK PEN)
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I have not on a duck pen though lol Never have I ever kissed a frog/toad
I have (we were fishing at a CAMP, and I saw a frog so I decided to grab it, and the CAMP COUNSELOR said it I kissed it I'd get five dollars. I might be crazy, don't ask. That counselor WAS crazy.) - Never have I ever seen a ski lift that was covered by snow, because it was more than fifty feet of snow
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I've seen a ski lift with snow on it, but definitely not one that's completely buried lol - Never have I ever fought a flying shark on top of a plane 😂