I have - Never have I ever ran a marathon
I haven't - Never have I ridden in a sleigh pulled by horses
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I have Never have I ever went skydiving
I have never - Never have I ever met a famous person
I have. Quite a few, actually. I remember a year going to Comic Con when I, quite literally, ran into Mark Hamil. The funniest part to that story is that neither I, nor my dad (who's a MAJOR Star Wars fan), realized it was him. It wasn't until after he posted a picture of himself on Instagram that we realized it was him that I ran into. - Never have I ever gone to Anime Expo
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I haven't and won't ever . Never have I ever fractured my tailbone
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I haven't - Never have I ever had braces
I haven't Never have I ever traveled out of a country.
I haven't - Never have I ever jumped 4 foot or higher
I have Never have I ever owned a pet snake