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1 - I'm always lost and I used to live and work in NYC, so I learned to chill out and go with the flow. I'm afraid of not waking up when being put under for medical/dental procedures.
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7 - i have a crippling fear over injury/illness as well as hazardous things near me.
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3 - I have an extreme fear of deep water, and whats in it
1 Oceans I would maybe get but I love swimming - Being lost with no one around, lots of dangerous animals lurking, and having no supplies.
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8 ~ Maggots crawling on you (Its happened, its a phobia now)
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9 They are disgusting, ive delt with them. They were trying to eat some kittens alive 🙃 So i was getting them off and they turned to me 😁 ~ Getting a PPP out of a svened WWW×WWW match (lol)
10😭 breaking both arms at the same time
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10 I broke my arm once and it was awful. Randomly blurting out my thoughts
6, I already say the most out-of-pocket shit imaginable. - Going blind
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7 - Falling off of a cliif/mountain while driving