
I have been wanting to try riding english and do jumping for the longest time. I ride western at the barn but someday I may learn it, - Truth: what is the last thing you expected to happen while riding a horse? - Dare: I dare you to put your horses mane or tail (or both) up in fancy braids.

A running braid on Le Doux (he was not thrilled), a ranch pony who has never been braided in his life. Complete with a scrunchie. Truth: What are you working on with your horse? Dare: Post a picture of your horse, or your favorite HEE horse
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No one is up for the challenge?
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I'll do both! Truth: What are you working on with your horse? Going over jumps/ground poles in the center of the arena, so she can build confidence off the rail! Dare: Post a picture of your horse, or your favorite HEE horse She wasn't mine, but I was close with her, and she recently passed :( But her she is! https://postimg.cc/bZJLqNpk  Truth: What was the most embarssing moment you had with your horse? Dare: Take a photo with you on a horse with another animal with you, i.e you holding your cat, or you and your dog, or you and chicken, etc <3
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Any takers on Wolf's Truth/Dare?
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Truth, she decided to just up and take off her bridle 😭 while everyone just watched me try to re-wrangle her xD truth what was your worst fall dare put your ponies forelock up in a ponytail that looks like a unicorn horn (love doing that xD)
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T, Trick riding really bad. She wont behave tho! truth: Have you ever done trick riding? If so , have you fell off doing it? Dare: Try doing trick riding - OR- stand on your horses butt for a min.

I have tried trick riding, and almost broke my collarbone lol. T: Do you pick favorites with your pets, even though you swear you love them all equally? D: Give your horse a skittles and post their reaction
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T: ...yes. I favor the cat I raised from a tiny bean who couldn't even wiggle his ears over the demon that looks like her eyelids couldn't possibly stretch any wider. And I love my fancy buckskin over the fat bay speed demon who's dumped me into a fence head first. - Truth: Do you have any weird nicknames for your pets? Dare: Draw a mustache on your horse and share a pic :D
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T: Yes. One of my dogs, Kona, I call Bug (Lovebug), Bear, or missy. My rabbit Clover, I call Mr.sir.
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