
6 I mean some bugs or scary but otherwise their fine ~ Deep murky waters. I have an insane fear of deep water in general because I have no clue whats at the bottom but if it's clear I'm fine. If it's murky there's no way in hell I'm taking one step into that water

5. 100% agree lol
- I'm scared of flying on airplanes. Which is funny as I've been flying my whole life, since I was a few months old, but every time I have to do it I get very anxious that something is going to go wrong and we will crash and die.
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1. My literal dream is to become a pilot haha - Im afraid of backing my baby horse out of the trailer (this is a fear that will pass as he gets better haha) because he has only done it twice and he thinks he is stepping off the edge of the earth. Then he will launch himself forward and try to run us over.
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6. perfectly reasonable lol. Though I suggest starting on a low platform and backing him off until he gets used to it, then a higher and higher platform, then finally the trailer ^^ outer space. wtf are black holes?! if I fall in, I may become a piece of human spaghetti, or it could be a portal to Ponyville for all we know. And the Great Attractor? just look it up O.o
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That fear makes a scary amount of sense XD - I'm scared of rabid animals. Since I know so much about animals it truly scares me when alll the knowledge I've aquired goes out the window because rabid animals are unpredictable
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10 omg yes that's logical I'm afraid of my mom cause she's so controlling

5 sometimes... - I'm afraid of computers. You stare at them too long and they numb the brain. Aaaand I'm on one right now. 0-0
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2. AI is scary I'm afraid of clowns no clue why. Just uhh do me a favor don't give one a chainsaw that'd be worse.

CHAINSAW MUAH HAHAHA anyway um XD - 4 I understand.. mostly. I was coming out of a haunted house when I was 6 and I was like 15 feet away from it when I turned around and the clown was right there. Ya know how some humans are fight or flight? Apparently I'm fight. I punched the clown. Whoops. - Some teenagers scare me...
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1. i am a teenager I ma afraid of being alone and having no one who understands me.