Godly Strength said: guys. guys. ok tell me if im stupid but twice zero is still zero right? so it would stay zero i think
I think so. cause 0 = 0
zero times zero is zero. the only time you cant do math with two zeros is division. zero times zero is undefined and an error on stuff
If I say 'Ooga booga squared', is it 'Ooga booga ooga booga' or 'ooga ooga booga booga'??
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The dog just looked out the window he purred his ears perked up, he barked woof woof he ran to the door and turned around came right back and was happy but nobody was there.
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SugarplumStables said: The dog just looked out the window he purred his ears perked up, he barked woof woof he ran to the door and turned around came right back and was happy but nobody was there.
🎶who you gonna call? Ghostbusters!🎶
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if you had dementia... and then forgot you had dementia... and then forgot you had dementia... and then forgot you had dementia... uh... i forgot.
Q - What are the two worst illnesses to have at the same time? A - Alzheimer's and diarrhea. You're running but can't remember where.
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That's a great point... ShowJumpingChampions said: Q - What are the two worst illnesses to have at the same time? A - Alzheimer's and diarrhea. You're running but can't remember where.
If we spend a day eating and drinking, why do we change clothes in the morning, if were just going to change out of them at night. Why does the sun rise just to set again. Why do people say tea vs coffee is a rivlery when people in euripe love tea, and america runs off of coffee. If there was no politics, would there ever have been a world war? Smiling is showing your teeth, Smiling with your mouth closed hides them. Whoever inventid smiling clearly did it to seperate the confidente people from the mentily unstable. Space is massive, so why do people explore it? Do astrinauts really have nothing better to do then be launched 1,000,000,000,000 miles into the void by a gonverment that could have faked the first moon landing? Who named cheese? And who in hells name thought it would be a good idea to take chunky watery cheese and put it in a contaner and call it "Cottage cheese?" When you splash something with water, it becomes wet, but whene you splash water with water, it's still just water. Edited at August 16, 2024 11:50 PM by Golden Heart