
The Girls The Girls are back! All have a minimum of WWW, more specificity will be listed with each girl. Embryo Cost will be included when bid is 150k more than the SB <3 I can and will do LC embryos, but if you are using a stud that would sell out extremely fast, please check with me that I will be up at RO that year. This ends the 20th at noon, I can extend it though upon PM :) - Please note for first embs, if a straw or confirmation of LC is not given to me by 10pm gt on the 1st of the month, you forfeit the embryo. Please use broods on the 1st :) - You may bid with straws, but please pm me first so we can decide 1: if the straw would interest me, 2: the value of the straw <3 - I will accept a Kyougetsu straw as the value of most mare's AB -- Babyyyy Beluga  WEW (svenned) - Toto #59 AALB! Multi W producer (never a PPP) Out of #1 ABLB stud Kyougetsu and Tsavani! WWW LB req - SB - 100k AB - 500k -- Xochi WWE - ToTo!! Multi W producer and WW prod (likes Runefaust) Out of FLF Inspector Lyff! WWW LB req - SB - 100k AB - 500k -- Little Sol EWW - Ee and NO sabino or Roan! Multi W producer and WW prod Out of top ABLB stud Indalo Kasui! WWW LB req - SB - 90k AB - 400k -- Onειra WEW - New Capture girl with prl!!! AU wk4, up 2 week 7, and 4/6 week 11! WWW req LB preffered - W prod :D - SB - 90k AB - 400k -- Argentum EWW-E - Zz CC (Silver Brown) WW producer Only EWW-E Silver Brown in game! WWW Lb req, Dressage med or mv glass req +stud str in mv - SB - 90k AB - 400k -- Nagimadness EEW - Ccr WWW & W prod! #12TBLB(#39ABLB) x #34 AALB, WWW Lb req - SB - 60k AB - 300k -- -- - Babyyyy Beluga Stable # - Bid / Stable # - Bid (or brood) - Xochi Stable # - Bid / Stable # - Bid (or brood) - Little Sol Stable # - Bid - Onειra Stable # - Bid / Stable # - Bid - Argentum Stable # - Bid / Stable # - Bid (or brood) Nagimadness Stable # - Bid Edited at March 1, 2025 07:20 PM by Dash and Duchess
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Θείa Wolf / Stable # - Bid - Argentum Fairytale Paints - SB / Stable # - Bid - Nagimadness Stable # - Bid / Stable # - Bid ---- (Updating as argentum had another page previously) Edited at November 7, 2024 12:03 PM by Dash and Duchess
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Alright, I added Θείa's SB, and set the AB pretty high to see what she's worth xD Edited at November 11, 2024 06:25 PM by Dash and Duchess
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Argentum threw a WW! She's VERY weak in Dressage <3 so I'd recommend a stud strong in it + a medallion or glass as she trains <3
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~NagiSwaggi~ Wolf / Stable # - Bid - Argentum Fairytale Paints - SB / NightClan (325922)-SB - Nagimadness Stable # - Bid / Stable # - Bid ----
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Thank You! NightClan said: Θείa Wolf / Stable # - Bid - Argentum Fairytale Paints - SB / NightClan (325922)-SB - Nagimadness Stable # - Bid / Stable # - Bid ----
Edited at November 7, 2024 12:03 PM by Dash and Duchess
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Hey guys i had an absolute crap RO and second embs CRASHED and burned in a flaming trash pile, which in turn I screwed up that LB potential, so these new foals, don't judge them T-T
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Would Really love Θείa to get some love!
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Θείa Wolf / Pearl (367566) - SB - Argentum Fairytale Paints - SB / NightClan (325922)-SB - Nagimadness Stable # - Bid / Stable # - Bid ----
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Thank you! Pearlescent Shores said: Θείa Wolf / Pearl (367566) - SB - Argentum Fairytale Paints - SB / NightClan (325922)-SB - Nagimadness Stable # - Bid / Stable # - Bid ----
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