Making abortion illegal doesn't necessarily reduce the amount of abortions, just the amount of safe abortions. I really feel for all of you Americans and anyone stuck or feeling scared and unsafe right now <3
Orchid Lane Stables said: Fellow American teen here- my parents are also both the kind of people who rejoiced at the overturning. My mother has even had a talk with me before saying that if I ever were to get pregnant young, we'd 'just have another member of the family'.. like hell no, I never want to get pregnant or have children of my own, ever. And the fact she pretty much just told me that I wouldn't have a choice is just...disgusting. I hate how this country is going to shut. I also have to listen to my father talk about how evil LGBT relationships are, even joking about it. And I have to laugh along because there is no way in hell I'm standing up to a 6'7 ex-army man. Even though I'm bisexual.. he'll just never know. And that really hurt sometimes. When Roe V Wade was announced to be overturned, he said 'This was a good week for America'. Not only my parents, but to know that this country is working to ban abortions and harm LGBT people? It just really, really hurts and leaves a bad taste in my mouth
I'm in a similar situation. Although my dad isn't ex-military, he's very anti-abortion, homoph***c, transph***c, etc. The only thing I'd say he isn't is racist. But yeah, it sucks. I'm bisexual too, and I absolutely despise the government here right now. Whenever someone speaks bad about the LGBTQ+ community it haunts me. There are so many things people do specifically to discriminate us and treat us as though we are objects, rather than people. It makes me sick. The overturning of Roe v Wade wasn't the first incident, and probably won't be the last, sadly. But yeah all that to say I get where you're coming from. And to those who say "This was a good week for America", you're wrong. This week may very well be the downfall of the US government.
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ACloudToStandOn said: I dont support abortions when healthy women just dont want to have a kid and don't wanna deal with the consequences of having s!x. However I do not think it should be banned beacuse the pregnancy or childbirth could kill some women, or if they were r#ped they shouldn't have to go through that. luckily the state i live in is protecting abortions for as long as they are govenor and have that power I also think women that want their tubes tied should be more achievable and contraceptives to be more easily accesible. I was able to keep my baby due to help from pregnancy support centers and WIC benefits. Formula isn't cheap and very hard to raise a child when you cannot breastfeed. -coming from a teen mom
have you not seen the online forums where parents get together and essentially cry about how they didn't terminate their pregnancy and truly truly hate their children? youre essentially slut shaming folks with uteruses who had sex unprotected or the condom failed or whatever. a person should be able to get an abortion whenever they choose for whatever reason.
No they shouldn't. If you have sex knowing you could get pregnant and you just don't care that's your problem and you shouldn't be having sex, let alone have access to abortion. Clearly they arnt responsible enough to be having sex. Plus if life begins at conception which scientifically it does then unfortunately you shouldn't be able to just kill your child because you made irresponsible sexual decisions. Just cause someone doesn't like their child doesn't mean they should kill it. Rose Canyon said: ACloudToStandOn said: I dont support abortions when healthy women just dont want to have a kid and don't wanna deal with the consequences of having s!x. However I do not think it should be banned beacuse the pregnancy or childbirth could kill some women, or if they were r#ped they shouldn't have to go through that. luckily the state i live in is protecting abortions for as long as they are govenor and have that power I also think women that want their tubes tied should be more achievable and contraceptives to be more easily accesible. I was able to keep my baby due to help from pregnancy support centers and WIC benefits. Formula isn't cheap and very hard to raise a child when you cannot breastfeed. -coming from a teen mom
have you not seen the online forums where parents get together and essentially cry about how they didn't terminate their pregnancy and truly truly hate their children? youre essentially slut shaming folks with uteruses who had sex unprotected or the condom failed or whatever. a person should be able to get an abortion whenever they choose for whatever reason.
Spring Rock Savages said: No they shouldn't. If you have sex knowing you could get pregnant and you just don't care that's your problem and you shouldn't be having sex, let alone have access to abortion. Clearly they arnt responsible enough to be having sex. Plus if life begins at conception which scientifically it does then unfortunately you shouldn't be able to just kill your child because you made irresponsible sexual decisions. Just cause someone doesn't like their child doesn't mean they should kill it. Rose Canyon said: ACloudToStandOn said: I dont support abortions when healthy women just dont want to have a kid and don't wanna deal with the consequences of having s!x. However I do not think it should be banned beacuse the pregnancy or childbirth could kill some women, or if they were r#ped they shouldn't have to go through that. luckily the state i live in is protecting abortions for as long as they are govenor and have that power I also think women that want their tubes tied should be more achievable and contraceptives to be more easily accesible. I was able to keep my baby due to help from pregnancy support centers and WIC benefits. Formula isn't cheap and very hard to raise a child when you cannot breastfeed. -coming from a teen mom
have you not seen the online forums where parents get together and essentially cry about how they didn't terminate their pregnancy and truly truly hate their children? youre essentially slut shaming folks with uteruses who had sex unprotected or the condom failed or whatever. a person should be able to get an abortion whenever they choose for whatever reason.
lol youre not killing a child and anyone should have access to abortion. if you don't understand the risks of having sex thsn no you shouldn't be having it, but that doesn't mean your rights should be taken away. and a child being raised without love sucks, and I don't give a fuck your reasons, religious or whatever, a parent shouldn't be forced to carry a child, and a child should not be made to grow up in an awful home because abortion is illegal . your argument about 'if they didn't know the risks they cant get an abortion' is like saying "this equestrian didn't wear a helmet, got severely injured but will not get medical care because they should have worn a helmet"
I am very glad to live in Canada where if I were ever to need an abortion, I would have access to one. I'm strongly pro-choice. I don't necessarily think abortion is the right thing to do just as a response to irresponsible s-x, but I strongly believe that it is a person's own right to make that decision for themselves and it is not my place nor anyone else's to decide that for them, especially considering pregnancy is something difficult both mentally and physically and I don't think anyone should be forced to go through that. Not to mention that there are lots of circumstances like r-ape/assault, cases where the life/health of the fetus or the woman is in danger, situations where it is financially difficult to have a pregnancy or a child, etc., where it's more than a matter of just "do I want a baby or not". You can't take organs from a dead body if the person didn't give consent, even if doing so would save somebody's life. By forcing a woman to carry a baby she doesn't want, she essentially has fewer rights than a corpse. Besides, of course no one is getting an abortion just for fun and I'm sure that the people who do decide to get abortions have very good reasons and do not make the decision lightly. Of course other things need to be done too, like providing contraceptives more readily, better s-x education, etc. to prevent unwanted pregnancies however it seems to me that the people who want to ban abortions are generally also against teaching about contraceptives and safe s-x in schools, which seems rather backwards to me. Also, it's worth mentioning that the people who are supposedly "pro-life" are generally the people who don't care at all about LGBTQ+ rights, BIPOC, social aid systems for homeless/low-income people, disabled people, feminism, providing subsidized healthcare and education, etc. They're "pro-life" when it comes to an unborn fetus but as soon as we're talking about living people who are experiencing difficulties all of a sudden they don't care. Edited at July 1, 2022 10:09 AM by Nightshade Stables
I think some of you don't realise how easy it is to get pregnant. You know the birth control pill is a 1 in 100 chance? That's a lot of accidental pregnancies. I know so many people who were supposed to be fully protected, took all measures and still ended up pregnant. Even some forms of female sterilisation don't 100% prevent pregnancy. I've also known people who were raised by parents who didn't plan them and didn't want them, they were miserable kids and grew up to be miserable adults, if they made it to adulthood. It fucks with people and no child should be raised by parents who clearly don't love or want them.
You've gotta understand that this is a situation with no winners. Edited at July 2, 2022 04:53 AM by Mediterranean
And if the condom which happened to be just a faulty one (not from age) breaks and the person gets pregnant? and if they don't at all have enough money to support a baby or the time? Spring Rock Savages said: No they shouldn't. If you have sex knowing you could get pregnant and you just don't care that's your problem and you shouldn't be having sex, let alone have access to abortion. Clearly they arnt responsible enough to be having sex. Plus if life begins at conception which scientifically it does then unfortunately you shouldn't be able to just kill your child because you made irresponsible sexual decisions. Just cause someone doesn't like their child doesn't mean they should kill it. Rose Canyon said: ACloudToStandOn said: I dont support abortions when healthy women just dont want to have a kid and don't wanna deal with the consequences of having s!x. However I do not think it should be banned beacuse the pregnancy or childbirth could kill some women, or if they were r#ped they shouldn't have to go through that. luckily the state i live in is protecting abortions for as long as they are govenor and have that power I also think women that want their tubes tied should be more achievable and contraceptives to be more easily accesible. I was able to keep my baby due to help from pregnancy support centers and WIC benefits. Formula isn't cheap and very hard to raise a child when you cannot breastfeed. -coming from a teen mom
have you not seen the online forums where parents get together and essentially cry about how they didn't terminate their pregnancy and truly truly hate their children? youre essentially slut shaming folks with uteruses who had sex unprotected or the condom failed or whatever. a person should be able to get an abortion whenever they choose for whatever reason.
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this fucking shit TW: p3dos, r*pe I am so fucking angry
Rose Canyon said: Spring Rock Savages said: No they shouldn't. If you have sex knowing you could get pregnant and you just don't care that's your problem and you shouldn't be having sex, let alone have access to abortion. Clearly they arnt responsible enough to be having sex. Plus if life begins at conception which scientifically it does then unfortunately you shouldn't be able to just kill your child because you made irresponsible sexual decisions. Just cause someone doesn't like their child doesn't mean they should kill it. Rose Canyon said: ACloudToStandOn said: I dont support abortions when healthy women just dont want to have a kid and don't wanna deal with the consequences of having s!x. However I do not think it should be banned beacuse the pregnancy or childbirth could kill some women, or if they were r#ped they shouldn't have to go through that. luckily the state i live in is protecting abortions for as long as they are govenor and have that power I also think women that want their tubes tied should be more achievable and contraceptives to be more easily accesible. I was able to keep my baby due to help from pregnancy support centers and WIC benefits. Formula isn't cheap and very hard to raise a child when you cannot breastfeed. -coming from a teen mom
have you not seen the online forums where parents get together and essentially cry about how they didn't terminate their pregnancy and truly truly hate their children? youre essentially slut shaming folks with uteruses who had sex unprotected or the condom failed or whatever. a person should be able to get an abortion whenever they choose for whatever reason.
lol youre not killing a child and anyone should have access to abortion. if you don't understand the risks of having sex thsn no you shouldn't be having it, but that doesn't mean your rights should be taken away. and a child being raised without love sucks, and I don't give a fuck your reasons, religious or whatever, a parent shouldn't be forced to carry a child, and a child should not be made to grow up in an awful home because abortion is illegal . your argument about 'if they didn't know the risks they cant get an abortion' is like saying "this equestrian didn't wear a helmet, got severely injured but will not get medical care because they should have worn a helmet"
I'd like to remind everyone here that abortion is not just for 'getting rid of a unwanted fetus', it's also the same process as saving someone's life from an eptopic pregnancy. Which is when a fertilized egg attaches outside the uterus. If left to grow, it may damage nearby organs. Eptopic pregnancies are 0% viable (meaning will never successfully produce a child), and Untreated ectopic pregnancies can cause internal bleeding, infection, and lead to death. Also, a miscarriage that has not passed correctly(as in the entire lining of the uterus has not detached and come out) can cause the person to go septic. Something that if not fixed, will kill them. This is fixed by the same process as an abortion. There have already been multiple deaths in my state alone due to this lack of medical care.