i think instead of banning abortions they could have pushed using contraception, created a more educational and informative sex ed for kids in school, ect. Abortions would still happen but less. Ultimately if you get pregnant and dont think the child will grow up in a totally happy safe enviroment where they have people who love them, its best not to have the child at all and not put them through the pain and misery of the life they would have.
Galaxy Manor said: As someone with a uterus who is on contraceptives, this entire ruling has been a massive blow to the autonomy of a woman and exacerbates the belief that our bodies must be violated in order for us to qualify for an abortion (even then, some states still do not protect your right then). The entire argument of letting abortion be left up to the states is one that we have seen before, and it ended in a civil war. Extending upon this, SCOTUS ruled the day prior to overturning Roe that state's do not have the right to dictate gun law (New York State Rifle & Pistol Assn. Inc. v. Bruen, overturned NY concealed carry laws). Furthermore, by saying it goes against one's religious beliefs is a bogus argument because the U.S. is a democracy not a theocracy. Additionally, Judaism is a religion that believes that abortion is healthcare and that life does not begin at conception (Talmud states that the fetus is mere water until 40 days of gestation, following that the fetus is considered a physical part of the woman's body, not yet having life of its own or independent rights. The fetus is not viewed as separate from the parent’s body until birth begins and the first breath of oxygen into the lungs allows the soul to enter the body.) No one wakes up wanting an abortion, no one decides to use abortion as a form of birth control, it is a right to bodily autonomy. The argument that 'no one is forcing you to have unprotected sex' is true, but flawed, because due to the increasing violence against women and the belief that women can use sex as a weapon, there are many individuals who have unprotected intercourse merely as a means of surviving a potentially dangerous situation. All this ruling does is eliminate safe abortion, increase the already saturated and underfunded Foster Care system (my state has childen sleeping in CPS offices due to lack of suitable fosters), underfunded public schools, abstinence-only sex-ed (teach abstinence but also teach people about their bodies, STIs/STDs, and what sex is because it has been proven that states who teach abstinence-only have higher teen pregnancy rates). This ruling will have the heaviest impact on already marginalized communities who do not have ready access to contraceptives, sex-ed, stable housing/income, the list goes on. Voting wont fix this -- we've been voting officials in for years who love to use our rights as a talking point and way to fundraise this, but they've had 50 years to codify Roe and prevent this from happening. But they didn't. Because if they did they would lose one of their biggest talking points for elections. Now I'm not saying don't vote (please, its your constitutional right) but I'm saying hold you officials accountable and stop letting them utilize your life as a poker chip in politics.
Incredibly well worded and very well thought out. Totally agree.
^ agreed as well . I'm subscribed to this newsletter (accidentally but haven't bothered to fix it) by the fella who shares self defense tips and such and is ALL about personal freedom and shit. Yet REJOICES the fact that roe v. Wade was overturned Fucking misogynistic hypocrite. . The fact that abusers not only go near scot free but also can put the victim in life long debt because of an abortion after becoming pregnant from assault is horrific, so wrong, so so awful I can't even think of a word to describe how completely WRONG that is. I'm thankful that my state (Cali) supports abortions, but for how long? I can't live in a state of constant fear (even more than I do) that yet another freedom and right will be taken from me. Fuck this shit.
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As a woman who has a medical condition that increases my chance of miscarriage I'm terrified. I live in a state that has zero exceptions. They've already stated birth control and same sex marriage is next on the agenda. I also take birth control for said medical condition to help balance my hormones and if I can't have access to that I'll probably end having my tubes tied or have my husband possibly get a reversible snip so my safety is insured. I'm incredibly sorry to every individual with a uterus that this affects who is outraged by this decision to no longer have control over our bodies ❤️ Edited at June 30, 2022 01:16 AM by All Breeds
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When I saw the title of this topic couldn't help but wonder why nobody already knew the US sucked? So many terrible things happen there.. I'm glad I live in Australia
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Moonland And Elites said: When I saw the title of this topic couldn't help but wonder why nobody already knew the US sucked? So many terrible things happen there.. I'm glad I live in Australia
We're always mad at our government for some reason, we just don't enjoy admitting it sucks. But it really really does suck. Especially right now. I'd gladly ditch this country.
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Rivendell Steeds said: I'd gladly ditch this country. I was so close to escaping to the UK, but then the person I was planning on marrying decided no. So I'm still stuck in the US too.
Often in these discussions I see people making points about the cost of childcare and then adoption/foster care system. let's also not forget to mention that pregnancy itself can be a traumatic experience, that it isn't easy, and can be dangerous for just about anyone. No one should have to go through if they mentally and/or physically can't, even if they weren't r@ ped. Even if they were only using condoms to prevent it. Even if their birth control failed. Even if they're in a financially stable situation and just don't want to have it. Letr's also not forget that in the USA it's extremely expensive to give birth.
You can't legally force someone to use their body to keep someone else alive. Even if you're the only one who can give someone an organ to give them a chance to survive, they can't do it unless they have your clear consent— For some reason some people just view women as a lower life form than a fetus. Humans also have seggs for more reasons that to procreate, it is also for pleasure. A pleasure that men, people in general, will continue to desire but will punish women/afab people for by restricting access to abortions.
alas, I live in Canada where I enjoy mostly free health care and will probably never worry about my bodily autonomy and rights being ripped from my hands. But still I feel for women everywhere affected by this and am outraged along with them.
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I dont support abortions when healthy women just dont want to have a kid and don't wanna deal with the consequences of having s!x. However I do not think it should be banned beacuse the pregnancy or childbirth could kill some women, or if they were r#ped they shouldn't have to go through that. luckily the state i live in is protecting abortions for as long as they are govenor and have that power I also think women that want their tubes tied should be more achievable and contraceptives to be more easily accesible. I was able to keep my baby due to help from pregnancy support centers and WIC benefits. Formula isn't cheap and very hard to raise a child when you cannot breastfeed. -coming from a teen mom Edited at June 30, 2022 07:54 PM by ACloudToStandOn
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Fellow American teen here- my parents are also both the kind of people who rejoiced at the overturning. My mother has even had a talk with me before saying that if I ever were to get pregnant young, we'd 'just have another member of the family'.. like hell no, I never want to get pregnant or have children of my own, ever. And the fact she pretty much just told me that I wouldn't have a choice is just...disgusting. I hate how this country is going to shut. I also have to listen to my father talk about how evil LGBT relationships are, even joking about it. And I have to laugh along because there is no way in hell I'm standing up to a 6'7 ex-army man. Even though I'm bisexual.. he'll just never know. And that really hurt sometimes. When Roe V Wade was announced to be overturned, he said 'This was a good week for America'. Not only my parents, but to know that this country is working to ban abortions and harm LGBT people? It just really, really hurts and leaves a bad taste in my mouth Edited at June 30, 2022 10:53 PM by Orchid Lane Stables