
Hi Stag, this is a really difficult situation to be with. Your current partner seems like a serious jerk and very controlling. Not being able to talk about things and that stalking is emotionally abusive. I get you've been with them for 7 months and it's hard to break things off but I really think at this point and with the death threats and how childish your partner is acting, you need to break things off with them. While it may seem extreme, I also think you should report the threats to authorities just in case something does happen in the future. It's people like that who end up kidnapping their exs and doing horrible things to them. While I'm not saying your partner will, it can happen. After you break up with them, if you do, block them on everything almost immediately but make sure you keep records of all conversations. While it may seem paranoid, this just seems like a really bad situation to me and I'm recommending it for your safety and security. I wish you the best of luck and if you ever need to talk, I am here to listen non judgementally <3
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Hello, Daranyx. Long time no talk! It is a very difficult situation. I don't think the death threats part is too much to worry about, as that ex lives one the other side of the world currently and my partner doesn't know where they live or anything of the sort. I'll keep your words to mind just like the other kind people who have been helping me with this. Thank you <3. I'm working on finding a safe time and environment for me to break this whole thing off. I'd prefer for the least amount of.. frustration and complications, if you get what I mean? Haha.
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Wtf this person seems honestly dangerously unstable. Please stay safe and cut them off, this is not a healthy relationship
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And if you need it there are help and hotlines! It can be hard to get out of a situation like that without help. 800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233) National DV Hotline ^ . Edit: Make sure to have someone there who is neutral and strong when you break it off! For safety. Especially with how unpredictable they seem. Edited at June 20, 2022 02:19 PM by Lucky Ranch
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Thank you for that, Lucky! And I will :).
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Listen, love. I know that you might be 'happy', but your partner is exhibiting some extremely concerning behaviors. Even if he does have BPD, it's not always an excuse. Coming from someone with BPD. If I need to be held accountable for my actions, then so does he. I understand that you can't leave, or even may not want to, but you need to at least start setting up boundaries. He may freak out. He may get mad. He may even threaten to leave. But he is overstepping his means and you need to put him back in his place. Set up a lock on your phone. Make new social media accounts. Make it clear that you have a right to speak to whomever you want. I also agree with Lucky. Reach out to the DV Hotline. Make it clear that he needs to respect your space, your items, and your personal life.
If you ever need to vent privately, my DMs are always open to you. Edited at June 26, 2022 08:38 PM by Silent Hill Equines

Girl get that man put in a mental hospital somewhere and go to the one person you love. He seems completely crazy with the way he's acting toward you.
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Thank you so much for that, Silent. And I have recently, but he still is able to access my main accounts. Would password change but I hate starting arguments. Definitely will have a conversation with him about it though :). Hazelwood, I'm a guy for starters haha. I certainly wouldn't put him in a mental hospital. I'm not mentally okay either, and even I fear being thrown into a ward or anything of the sort. Everyone is a bit crazy but it's obvious that he has some issues that desperately need to be sorted out.. I have got in touch with my ex just yesterday by the way! It had went really well and they heard me out on everything I had to say, and we seem to be back to friends. They are in a happy healthy relationship now too! Very happy for them. Anywho, by speaking to them I've noticed that it's helped me move on a lot. I should (hopefully!) have my life sorted out soon and feelings about everything fixed shortly :). Edited at June 26, 2022 09:16 PM by Stag's Court
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You need to dump your current partner. He's sending death threats to others, trying to isolate you, and threating to kill himself if you leave him. You need to get as far way from his as you can. I know it will be hard to do, but you need to do that before his behaviour turns to hurting you physically. He's all ready emotionally and mentally abusive to you.