
So apparently I have a seizure disorder now. Found out after having 3 seizures, 1 a month ago, 1 on Wednesday and 1 yesterday. So 2 in a row. Thankfully I am now on a medication and seems to be working, I am feeling much more myself. However, when I see a specialist and depending on the diagnosis, I could have my drivers license revoked (obviously I understand why, but its still very frustrating). I also will be talking to my doctor about a service dog for said seizures and a whole host of other issues that have left me with PTSD, anxiety and depression. Before I had the last 2 seizures, I was attempting to get an Emotional Support Animal (ESA), which means I can have an animal in my house without my landlord forcing me to pay extra or anything like that, but my landlord put a bunch of stipulations on the contract which does force me to have to pay for it. I will be talking to my Doctor to see if she knows what I can do, or if I should just apply for a Service animal. Theres tons more but Im super tired and running on 3 hours of sleep (thanks new meds) so thats all for now.

Actually that goes agaist the American Disablities Act if you get a service animal, and if you have your doctor give you a note saying you need this animal your landlord CANNOT charge you for having it. If he does that's a lawsuit waiting to happen to them, so I would also reach out to a lawyer to cover your bases.

Hawkeye Farms said: Actually that goes agaist the American Disablities Act if you get a service animal, and if you have your doctor give you a note saying you need this animal your landlord CANNOT charge you for having it. If he does that's a lawsuit waiting to happen to them, so I would also reach out to a lawyer to cover your bases.
yeah totally, and its the same thing in Alberta (canada) so I need to get meself a lawyer...

All my sympathy with you. I hope you find the triggers and are able to reduce this down. I have worked with seizure affected women in the past, not easy but they did well in the pressured hospital environment. So I know it can be done. Love from me
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ZeroZero said: All my sympathy with you. I hope you find the triggers and are able to reduce this down. I have worked with seizure affected women in the past, not easy but they did well in the pressured hospital environment. So I know it can be done. Love from me
thank you so much, you've brought tears to my eyes <3

I thought Canada had similar laws for people with disabilities. Make sure you document everything, have your doctors on your side, and have a lawyer. See if you can get a dog that is both ESA and a trained siezure service animal. I know they are out there. If your landlord tries to pull any crap if you have a good lawyer he'll be paying you, and be forced to repay others he screwed over. Good luck and best wishes for the best outcome for you. Cassa Belle Eventing said: Hawkeye Farms said: Actually that goes agaist the American Disablities Act if you get a service animal, and if you have your doctor give you a note saying you need this animal your landlord CANNOT charge you for having it. If he does that's a lawsuit waiting to happen to them, so I would also reach out to a lawyer to cover your bases.
yeah totally, and its the same thing in Alberta (canada) so I need to get meself a lawyer...

Hawkeye Farms said: I thought Canada had similar laws for people with disabilities. Make sure you document everything, have your doctors on your side, and have a lawyer. See if you can get a dog that is both ESA and a trained siezure service animal. I know they are out there. If your landlord tries to pull any crap if you have a good lawyer he'll be paying you, and be forced to repay others he screwed over. Good luck and best wishes for the best outcome for you. Cassa Belle Eventing said: Hawkeye Farms said: Actually that goes agaist the American Disablities Act if you get a service animal, and if you have your doctor give you a note saying you need this animal your landlord CANNOT charge you for having it. If he does that's a lawsuit waiting to happen to them, so I would also reach out to a lawyer to cover your bases.
yeah totally, and its the same thing in Alberta (canada) so I need to get meself a lawyer...
thank you so much <3 things have been really shitty the last week, been having seizures nearly every day and i just upped my dosage on meds. on the up side, I'm going to look at a puppy on Monday!!

Ouch I'm sorry you've been having seizures daily now. Try to keep the stress down, since that can be a trigger for them. Hopefully you'll find the right pup for you.