I would have lost it on Sam by now. And when I say lost it I mean I'd be in jail (I don't handle stupid well in situations like this). Since Sam is breaking the lease agreements when it's time to renew I'm pretty sure management won't let her. If you got along with Maria before Sam moved in I'd talk to her privately about what happened. See what she has to say. It could be that she was agreeing with Sam to set a trap for Sam without telling you. Maria may be getting her own info on Sam to pass along to the management of the building, and you got caught in the crossfire. If Sam's bf wants to hang out in the buff then it has to be in her room only. If he's in the common room you could actually nail him for sexual harrasment since you've stated you don't like it. If he's there and does it again call the cops on his ass (Yes I know it's mean and petty, but it'll teach a lesson. You have him for tresspassing since you didn't know he was there and for indecnet exposure). Sam's dog is destroying property, so again management won't like it. If Sam can't take care of the dog, personally I'd find someone who would. I know I can be a petty bitch myself, but when someone is making your life a living hell sometimes you have to become a bitch about it.
So I kept reporting her and I now do not talk to either Maria or Sam. I am going to be gone all weekend because I have some family friends I am going to stay with. Once they found out about the situation, they were furious and offered to move me out that day. Since I still have to live here a few more weeks (just until the semester ends) I am keeping my stuff here until then. It just makes things easier. I honestly haven't seen a lot of Sam these last few days. She hhas probably been over at her boyfriends and family's house so she doesn't have to tell us he is here and her parents and siblings live here. Of course, I heard him over about 2 nights ago but they were only here for a minute before both of them left again. It honestly kinda bothers me that she knows she has places to go when she is uncomfortable or needs something and I am not. Maria does as well since she has a girlfriend that she will be moving in with next semester who lives in an apartment nearby. But I am just kind of stuck here. Actually, Sam's parents pay part of her rent and for her car because they can. it has made me wonder if the reason she has an apartment is for (1) hookups and (2) because her own family can't stand her. She even admitted she has disagreements with her family all the time but that her siblings generally have a good relationship with her parents. So I dont know, I am just tired of it all and am ready to move out.
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