So I had an okay day yesterday. Things were fine, some annoying aspects, and plenty of rest. I successfully managed to do some chores requested by my mother, and also managed to do a full water change for my turtle without any incidents. So then I'm able to spend the rest of the day/night gaming. Of course, something had to spoil my night after that, right? So I get sick of gaming (it's about 3:45 am at this point in time), and I decide I should go to bed. First things first, I go to plug stuff in. So far nothing goes off. But of course, I go to feed my turtle (he's an aquatic turtle), only to have his heat lamp manage to fall into the water. It explodes. Thankfully I had it on a low setting, so there was little to no shockwave. Immediately I grab the turtle and put him in his emergency carrying case (aka the one perfectly sized box he has yet to escape out of), and set it down where he can't knock it down. At this point he's freaking out, I'm freaking out, and the dog is very concerned. I cleaned up the larger chunks of the bulb and take the heat lamp to sit in the kitchen until I can deal with it in the morning. Now the question from there was: what to do with the turtle. He coudn't go back into his enclosure, as it needs full water change and has little pieces of glass in it still. Poor dude now has to sit in a bucket with just enough water to keep him wet overnight, and has to be in the garage because of the dogs. Now I'm sitting over here worried because I've never had him spend a night away from me before, even so far as the next room over. Paranoria is going crazy with the 'what if?' game, and just caused yet another panic attack.
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So sorry to hear you had a bad night, and I am so glad the turtle is okay. Hope that never happens again! Hope you are over the panic attack and doing better. Hugs
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like that is so annoying but in a way kinda funny :P
The Golden Horse said: like that is so annoying but in a way kinda funny :P
Right? Also, yeah the turtle is perfectly fine. He's still freaked out, and I'm about to get his water changed out so I can get him back in there. The new bulb won't come for a couple of days, but he doesn't need it. And thank you Camelot, I'm feeling a lot better now, and am much more relaxed.
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Update: His tank is now fully cleaned and refilled, with a brand new filter cartridge and the filter having been thoroughly rinsed. He's back in his tank now, and swimming happily. I don't think I've ever seen him so glad to be swimming around. He actually likes it better withour the rocks, and is loving seeing his reflection on the bottom!
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Good to hear your turtle is doing okay. That must have really freaked you both out. That happened to a friend of mine, but the outcome wasn't the same. His turtle got fried since the heat lamp was on high I think. I'm just happy you and your turtle are all right, and the turtle is happy again in his home.