Horse Eden Eventing Game
Horse Eden Eventing Game

Year: 188   Season: Fall   
$: 0
Forecast: Crisp, Clear, and Cool
Tue 07:31pm  
Stables Online:  104 
Horse Eden Eventing Game


Stable Breeding Summary

This report shows your stable's foal rating summary for the current year.
All alive foals will count. Captured horses don't count.
If they pass away, they will no longer be included.

No alive foals exist.

This report shows your stable's foal rating summary for all time.
All alive or deceased horses will count, if they are still in the game.
Captured horses don't count.

No foals exist.

Breeding Summary for Bravery Ratings for all alive horses bred by you.

W: 0
E: 0
P: 0
S: 0
A: 0
Sub: 0

Breeding Summary for Bravery Ratings for all deceased horses bred by you,
if they are still in the game.

W: 0
E: 0
P: 0
S: 0
A: 0
Sub: 0

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