This role is just for the people in the name. Do not post in here unless in the name. Feel free to read
Raven Run's Character: - Name: Raven Nickname: N/A Gender: Stallion Age: 3 Role: (??? - Ambitious Stallion) Personality: Young and headstrong Raven thinks he has what it takes to be in charge. However, his inexperience may be his downfall. He has spent most of his time so far in small bachelor groups or on his own. Dealing with mares will be a whole new ball game. Looks: Jet black from nose to tail, He lives up to his name. He has the defined musculature of a fit youth at his peak. His bright eyes are black and deep brown. He has the fine build of his breed and stands 16.2 Hands high. Backstory: From Stormcrow out of Black Thunder, Raven was a chip off the old block, inheriting the jet-black colouring of his parents. A spirited youngster he was always getting into trouble and that was a trend that continued throughout his young life. Encounters with wildlife (a skunk is one such that made an impression) and getting into trouble with the mares were all rights of passage for this young Colt. Eventually, he was turned out with a collection of other colts (when the mares had had enough of their antics) where they ran freely. He made fast friends and was soon a leader among them, getting into mischief until training began, However during their time together a broken fence provided an opportunity and Raven and several others broke free. He tried to keep them together but he was inexperienced and unused to fending for himself in the wild. Let alone protecting others, One of his friends was taken by a cougar, and he lost the others in the panic that followed. He has been wandering the wilds now for some time. Crush: (Open) Mate: (Open) Offspring: N/A Dislikes: Skunks, Bossy mares, Likes:
Bossy Mares, Mischief and Shenanigans, Food. >>>>>
KA Horse Co.'s(me) Character Name: Apocalypse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nickname: Eclipse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gender: Mare ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Age: 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Role: Herd Mare ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Personality: Eclipse can be rude and bitchy, she tends to push others away. She is kind and sweet once she becomes your friend, though she gets pissed off easy, she has gotten better at controlling her mood swings. She gets along best with stallions, and doesn't let anyone boss her around or take advantage of her ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Looks: A jet black Appaloosa with a white leopard pattern. She has a long, flowing black main and tail. She has a moon shape on her forehead, normally covered with her long forelock. She is muscular and has defined muscular. She stands at about 15.2hh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Backstory: Apocalypse was bred on a ranch, but when she was 6 months old, the ranch burned down, killing all the animals and people on the ranch. Eclipse was the only survivor, and suffered serious burns, now healed, and hidden under her coat. As the ranch was in flames, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her, out into the open range. She was alone for weeks, untill one day, she came across a herd at a lake, and the ended up taking her in. She was bullied by the other foals for her scars, and became bitter and mean. She has gotten better at controlling her anger as she has gotten older, and is now starting to try and be nice to others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crush: N/A Mate: N/A Offspring:(Do not put this unless you're a mare!) N/A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dislikes: other mares, humans, buildings, being surrounded by a lot of other horses. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Likes: Being alone, running, water, her best friend(who ever that ends up being), causing trouble. Stallions. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
His head lifted to the sky as his nostrils flared to allow the scents in the air to register. There was something new, unknown. The air was cool and crisp. The morning dew was still fresh on the grasses of the meadow where he had been grazing. The fur on his back prickled and his muscles tensed, waiting to see if the scent was from a potential new friend, or a foe, waiting to pounce on him and his. He didn't dare move, though the urge to toss his head nervously was there. He waited, and watched. His wide, dark eyes scanned the edge of the clearing, looking for any signs of movement.
Edited at March 4, 2023 02:45 PM by Raven's Run
The young mare galloped through the meadow. She tossed her head and jumped/bucked as she ran. Eclipse slowed to a trot. She held her head high and snorted loudly. She looked around her and pawed the ground before rearing up and sprinting off again.
Then she burst through into the sunlight, her hide glistening black and bright white in the morning light. He called to her in greeting and tossed his head, giving chase and joining in the game.
He didn't know what her intentions were, but he was feeling bold this morning and he loved to run. So he chased after her, nipping playfully at her hindquarters when he drew close, but allowing her to stay in front, even if only by a nose at times.
They raced past the tall trees, the light flashing between them as they made ground, sending smaller animals running in every direction and birds into the air. He called again to her telling her that he was enjoying this game. Edited at March 5, 2023 06:30 PM by Raven's Run
She whinnied back to the stallion as she raced faster. Her jet black coat shone brightly in the sunlight. Eclipse nipped at the stallions shoulder playfully. - They reached a river as they ran. The young mare jumped over it, it looked as if she was flying, her muscles in her hindquarters showed as she soared like a bird over the river. - She landed on the other side at a canter. Eclipse turned and cantered back to the river. She stopped at the river bed and took a long drink, out of the cool water. She looked up at the stallion, water dripping from her muzzle. She shook the water from her face. Edited at March 6, 2023 09:32 PM by KA Horse Co.
He could hear the water moving over the riverbed's rocks before he could see it, but she barely slowed down. Stubbornly he kept pace with her, letting her lead the way but never drawing too far ahead. They drew closer and he gathered himself for the leap, drawing on reserves of power still untapped as he flew over the racing water. She turned and he squealed his displeasure as she finally stopped to take a drink. He wasn't done yet! He wanted to run until the sunset, but after tossing his head and stomping for a moment or two he saw the wisdom in her actions and followed her to the water. - His ears pricked as he rose from the water, his wide dark eyes turning to the forest about them. They had come far and were on unfamiliar ground. He hadn't wandered this far from the meadow and there could be unknown dangers hiding amongst the trees. - His nose quivered as instinct drove him to protect the mare with him, whether she was his or not. His eyes were sharp and his feet swift. She had proven she could move just as fast and that meant they could flee if they needed to. It was often safer to run than to fight. Most predators could not match a horse for speed, and few could match their stamina. - Content that for the moment they were safe he turned his attention to the mare who had brought them there. He brought his nose to hers in greeting and flicked his tail nervously. Would she accept him? Was he just to be a transient playmate or would this become something more substantial?
She looked to the trees, her nostrils flared. She had been her many times, but alone. Not with someone else. She nickered to she stallion and took a step closer to him. - She rubbed her head against his shoulder before trotting a few feet away. She pawed the air playfully. She wanted to run again. She squealed a little, and cantered in a circle around the stallion.
If she was game so was he. Never one to back down from a challenge he snorted and tossed his head, his haunches bunching ready to leap into action as soon as she gave him the opportunity. He was on unfamiliar ground, which did pose some risks, however, he wasn't about to let her go. She was high-spirited, beautiful and fun and he wanted to be a part of that. - You could hear the small animals and birds getting out of their way as once again they sprinted through the trees, tossing heads in wild abandon and bugling to warn anything in their path that they were coming and coming in fast.