So basically People write down their pet peeve. then the next person says if they have that pet peeve too or if they don't. then they write dow their pet peeve. mods plz take this down if it has already been done. Ex: (Starter) Me: Nails on chalkboard Random stable: Yes. Dirty dishes. Random stable 2: No. People talking over each other. and so on. I'll start. Metal scraping against metal.
No. Styrofoam on Styrofoam
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no dumb people acting like they're smart
Yes, I deal with it daily working in a zoo. More specifically, I ran into someone calling a snow leopard a cheetah... . People taking food from a personal fridge, in your own room.
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no (I live with my parents) When your sibling will walk in on you in the bathroom for no reason and not close the door on their way out
No I don't have siblings. My husband on the other hand. People standing in the middle of a shop entrance talking so no one can enter or leave.
Oh yes, gossiping in very posh voices too! * A group over fussing about order of seating at cinema or theatre, if it was that critical you would hve discussed it in the car. Just sit down will you.
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Never something I've had to deal with!
Slow walkers really bother me! I'm in a rush MOVE